Hi ladies.
I'm Rachel, I'm 28, married and we're expecting our first. My due date is the 7th July 2011 and we are firmly on team yellow.
Ive worked as a nanny and nursery nurse since leaving school so I'm well rehearsed in the art of nappy changing and have worked with cloth in the past. I'm a vegetarian who likes to use all natural products around the house, so cloth was a very natural decision for me. I never really considered disposables. I'm a bit of a hippy at heart although I do like my home comforts. My iPhone is never far from my hand! My hubby is very open to using cloth, on the condition that I only buy new and not preloved. Preloved doesn't faze me in the slightest, but I want to keep him sweet on cloth so I'm adhering to his only condition.
We have two cats, a tabby called Lottie and a ginger and white kitten called Jasper who may or may not be gender confused as despite the name, she's actually a girl! We were told that she was a boy but when I took her to the vets for a check up a week later, I was told she was a girl. It was too late by then, the name had stuck. It suits her though.
I currently work as a nanny for a family with six children. % boys aged 9, 8, 6, 5 and 3 and a girl aged 2. I only have 8 weeks left as I'm 22 weeks pregnant and am leaving at 30 weeks. I've had the youngest 3 from birth and have been there for 5 1/2 years.
I am a complete bookworm, love listening to music (particularly rock and metal), watching films and getting addicted to certain TV shows (Lost, 24 and Prison Break to name a couple of offenders). I love acting and generall being a part of the theatre. Last year I was involved in 4 different productions, the final of which went up in the middle of January. I played Maid Marion in a pantomime version of Robin Hood. That will be my final production until the next panto now as I can forsee this year being a touch busy! I used to attaend trampolining classes twice a week but gave it up when we started TTC as I didn't want to pose any risk to a potential baby. My main hobby these days is playing poker. Hubby and I play in a league every week and tomorrow the bump and I are off to Bristol to play in the Regional Finals as I qualified for a place this season. Hubby finished about 10 places below me (insert slightly smug grin here). I also LOVE my Words with friends app on my iPhone so if anyone has it, feel free to start a game with me. My user name is the same as on here.
As you might of guessed, I like to chat!
Looking forward to getting to know you all and having someone other than my hubby and best friend to chat to about cloth. Hubby's interest is fading by the day!
Rach xx
Cloth Nappy Tree gives you a free, unbiased and privacy rich place to discuss and recycle your cloth nappies. Save time, money and our planet by inspiring and helping others.