
*new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

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*new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby mamauk » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:00 pm

Hi there,

Just saw this link in the Green Parent magazine and came here to browse. I am 31 and a mother of three, my oldest is 10 and so I guess have been using cloth nappies now for a decade:) I have used so many from wrap around Disana, to Tots Bots, organic MotherEase, FuzziBunz .... shed loads! I favoured wool wraps mainly, and my youngest dd (now three) wore only wool. She has finished with her nappies! That's why I am here. I want to pass our huge bundle on. I have friends/relatives who I have given some out to, and so on but I still have so many. If I have more babies I figure I can always buy more :) When you are a cloth nappy addict, that is certianly fun!

Hopefully I'll get more nappy wisdom here, and I look forward to reviewing what I have used.


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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby scarlet » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:03 pm

Hi and welcome! :wave:

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby ems » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:09 pm

Hiya and welcome :) I'm loving your blog btw!!!!

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby zoeyboo » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:13 pm

Welcome to the Tree! :cnthug:

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby mamauk » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:14 pm

Thankyou! I do enjoy blogging :)

My oldest dd is three and still brestfeeding, she has been out of nappies during the day since she was about 18 months? And then refused to have them on at night by the time she was two I think. The odd time since, like when ill or somehting, I have slipped one on her, but it's rare. My oldest ds was the same, but my middle child, he wore nappies at night until he was 4! Thankgoodness for FuzziBunz. They saved us!

I LOVED using white vinegar in my wash as a fabric softner for my nappies and since then use it on our regular clothes washing too, I add peppermint oil too but in fact nothing actually smells of vinegar anyway :)

I knit all the time and am currently knitting longies for a friends newborn :)

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby tiyuricc » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:19 pm

Hi :wave:
Welcome to the tree!

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby monsterm » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:20 pm

Hi Claire :wave:

Welcome to the site. Shame your little one is no longer in nappies (my eldest was trained day & night by 20 months & my 18mth old is showing lots of signs of readiness :cry: ). We are a big fluffy family who enjoy knitted too so stay & join in.

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby angelsquidge » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:45 pm

Welcome Claire....yet another Welshie on board :wine:

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Re: *new* but an old timer with cloth nappies :)

Postby Little Pants » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:42 am

Hi and Welcome to :cnthug: !


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