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Postby span78 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:55 am

My name's Hannah and I'm a clothaholic! :oops:

My baby girl, Megan, is 8 weeks today and has been mainly in cloth since a couple of days old (we used a few sposies in the first couple of weeks while we found our feet). She's my 1st and I'm loving being a mother.

I can't remember what triggered me to make the decision to use cloth but we haven't looked back. I can't stop buying them - going through a bad patch recently and have 10 due in the next few days (mix of new and preloved). My hubby is, for now, understanding. He joked last night that we still have the morgage to pay but, stortly after, he said he'd like a black nappy (for Megan!) and we started discussing potential wee notions designs. He's into his heavy metal so Megan might end up in a black nappy with skulls, guitars and reference to Iron Maiden! :hohoho:
In fairness I have recently sold a few of her newborn sized nappies, though I couldn't bear to part with her cherrylicious teenyfit! :lookround:
Our main nappies are Bum Genius, Flips, Close Parent, Bamboozle Stretchies and prefolds (with Thirsties Duo wraps). We also love our Cheeky Wipes. :wink:
Here's Megan at 2 days old (1st full day home from hospital) and 8 weeks.



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Re: Hello!

Postby mangajude » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:14 am

Hello! Lovely to have you here! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

I also love heavy metal too, sounds like wee notions is the place for you, I think they are fab (product and customer services)!

Your Megan is amazing! Very cute.

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Re: Hello!

Postby Cj2011 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:36 am

Hi :wave:

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Re: Hello!

Postby monsterm » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:40 pm

Hi Hannah :wave:

Welcome to the tree :cnthug: Megan is gorgeous. Congratulations!!

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Re: Hello!

Postby Cyrillia » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:09 pm

Hiya, and welcome to the CNT! :wave:


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Re: Hello!

Postby Caroline » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:16 pm

:wave: Hi Hannah. I love the BG ribbit colour :thumbsup:

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g murphy
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Re: Hello!

Postby g murphy » Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:30 am

:wave: :wave: and welcome to the tree! xx

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