
Novice cloth using mummy

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Novice cloth using mummy

Postby bluemixam1 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:39 pm

joined this forum as there's so much fab advice :wave:
I've used flip nappies on my daughter during the day since 2 weeks and recenly started to use them full time (she's now 7 weeks). I'm interested in trying out socks, would appreciate advice on what is the best fabric to make them from, where to get it and any patterns for sewing up. I've been using tots bots potion washing powder, but reading through the posts it seems like I might be better off with just a regular bio powder (I'd been scared into invalidating the warranty! :oops: )
Looking forward to increasing my nappy stash through the classified too!

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby Mumof5 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:54 pm

Hi and welcome to the tree! :cnthug: I'm a fan of flips too, but I haven't heard of 'socks', so I can't offer any help there. :-? I'm sure someone on here will know all about them though!

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby monsterm » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:56 pm

Hi & welcome Alison :wave:

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby bluemixam1 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:13 pm

Only heard of socks the other day! I think they're fleece "socks" that you can put a prefold/booster in. It would make me use my cotton inserts more I think!

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby KimmyM » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:29 pm

I have mentioned them recently so it maybe me who started this.
Bum Genius sell them if you google bum genius insert sock it should come up I think I got mine from the company that do the free bounty nappy (but I can't remember their name with out looking).
However I then bought some Microfleece from WN (those ladies are fab) but you could use anything suitable for liners I would think. How about minkee which you can buy off eBay. I'm sure you could get micro fleece from a local fabric shop however I dread those places with my 2year old so found it easier to buy off the Internet.
As for pattern I had a link somewhere but it was so easy I'll have a go at describing it.
Fold your insert/prefold then measure it length and width.
Now double your length and add roughly 1 1/2 to 2 inch. For width just at 1/2 -1 at this is just for seam allowance.
Now hem both short ends and then fold one end over buy 1inch and press with this end folded fold the whole sock in halfso your folded lip in on the inside and press in the center. It should look approximately the size of your insert now.
Now hem your two long sides and turn in the rightway. You will have a long pocket with a lip you can fold over to hold the insert in.
If you wanted to miss the lip out I'm sure it wouldn't make to much difference.
Note if the fabric you are using only has stay dry on one side make sure that the minkee will face out.

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby emsy » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:52 pm

:wave: welcome

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby KimmyM » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:57 pm

Gosh how rude sorry :oops:
Hello :wave:
Can't believe I just started jabbering on :hiding:

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby Emma1977 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:44 pm

:wave: :wave: :wave:

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Re: Novice cloth using mummy

Postby bluemixam1 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:52 pm

Thanks for that! Will def have a go at making some socks :D


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