
potential cloth convert but a bit puzzled

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potential cloth convert but a bit puzzled

Postby Pinchette » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:30 pm

Hello ladies,
My name is Gisele and I have been lurking on this board for a while now so I thought I'd take the plunge and register.
I also post on BC.
After months and months, or should I say years, of reading about cloth nappies, I decided to give it a go and I ordered two trial packs off the web.
First of all, do you think it's too late to switch to cloth as my daughter is now 13 months????

In my trial pack I got:
1 bumgenius (exactly what its says on the tin, love it)
1 motherease organic
1 tots bots bamboozle
1 tots bots
1 kisaluv
1 bumble
1 sandy's
1 rikki wrap
1 motherease wrap
1 fleece liner and some paper liners.

The reason why I am a bit puzzled is that although they are all different in term of fit I haven't noticed much difference between all of these (except for the bumgenius) in term of drying time (48 hours at the moment as the weather is not great and I don't have a tumble drier) and in terms of absorbancy (I'd read that bamboo is more absorbant)
Is this normal? or is it just that I'm not experienced enough.
I didn't like the paper liners at all, the fleece liner is much better.
I want to buy some more but there are sooooooo many brands, I want to try them all.lol
I think I would prefer nappies for which I do not need to add a wrap as I find it a bit fiddly to fit the wrap over the nappy, it makes it a bit bulky and my lo ends up with a few red marks on her thighs and waist.

Thank you for reading my rambling.
I would greatly appreciate and views/suggestion and advice.


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Postby HannahBanana » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:57 pm

Hi Gisele!!! <waves like a mad woman>

Not too late at all. Erin was about 10 months when I switched. It would be so much nicer for Kiara in the summer to have a soft cloth bum instead of a sweaty plastic nappy... one of the main reason I converted (eventually) as Erin's skin so bad I didn't want to irritate it further with summer sweats! lol Also don't forget you have over a year yet until you get to potty training.

I would highly recommend fuzzi bunz for an overall fab daytime nappy! a lot of the girls here love bumgenius (fuzzi are similar) but they are birth to potty so starting cloth later the expense of buying them didn't actually work out to my benefit compared to a fuzzi and i love them anyway. The fuzzi also come with an insert and have never even had wicking (were some damp gets on their clothes round the leg elastics) with them.

Like you I liked the lack of faffing with pocket nappies and even used some at night.... until Erin decided to be a heavier wetter! We've just started using bumbles at night and they're a hit.

Whoops lots of waffle!

Welcome to the board hun! It is a great place to sort out what you want/need with regards to nappies... i was very confused when i first looked into it!

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Postby ericaj1 » Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:02 pm

Hi Gisele,

Welcome out of lurkdom :lol: . I'd say that 13 months isn't too old to convert, you've got at least another year in nappies yet unless you have a baby genius :wink: . For a 13 months old you'll probably be better off with pockets:

Happy heineys
fuzzi bunz
mommys touch
bum genius
green kids

These are all fleece lined so no liner needed. You'll need inserts for all of these I prefer to use Happy Heiney stuffins and a microfibre pad on top but other people like Ellas house or other makes. For night time you'll be better off with a nappy and a fleece wrap or wooly shorts/longies/soaker. You could use your tots bots or your bumble (with a fleece liner for comfort) for now depending on how heavy a wetter your daughter is.

Hope I've been some help.


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Postby cherobanne » Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:26 pm

Hi Gisele! Welcome! :D I post as cherobanne on BC too although I've been a bit bad recently and reading more than posting :oops:

Definitely not too late to convert!

Bamboo takes around 10 washes to reach full absorbancy so if they're new nappies perhaps that's why you haven't noticed much difference?

I'd agree with the PPs re the handiness of pockets. I'd really recommend bumgenius and fuzzi bunz. (Wonderoos are also very reliable with us but not as neat a fit, but then my LO is only 8 months)

Two parts are definitely best for night time IMO. Your bumble would be great (might need boosted) as it's already fleece lined. Wool shorties would keep your LO dry and wouldn't leave any red marks. (Wool is much more breathable than PUL too) If you don't fancy trying wool just yet you could try a fleece wrap.

HTH a bit,


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Postby Pinchette » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:03 pm

:D ,

Thank you all very much that helped a lot. I have taken notes and I am now off to browse the net for all your recomandations. Right now, where's that credit card. :lol:

Hannah <waving back>

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Postby HannahBanana » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:07 pm

Woohoo! be warned Gisele it gets addictive! just look at all our stashes in the photo album thread! :lol:

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Postby nic1 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:49 pm

I can only echo all the ladies very helpful suggestions, ooohhhh lucky you being able to nappy shop!!! Flex that credit card!! Also a BIG welcome to this site from me, it's fab and the ladies on here are very helpful and friendly too :D

CNT rocks! :D

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Postby clothmama » Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:17 pm

:D :D :D :D HELLO (waving like an even madder woman than Hannah pmsl :lol: :lol: )

I'm off to bed so will reply in greater depth tomorrow but just wanted to send a big welcome to you and Kiara!! :D :D

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Postby karenandgeorgia » Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:49 pm

Hello and welcome, looking forward to 'chatting'

Karen x

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