
New to cloth with a toddler!

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New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby puppycat » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:08 am

Hello all

I am a complete cloth newbie :shock:

My daughter is 2 on the 20th of this month so I'm a little late joining the party. TBH I always liked the thought of using cloth but I didn't know anything about it and just assumed we were still in Terry's towelling era and didn't know that things had moved on considerably.

As luck would have it my neighbour is a cloth expert :yahoo: and has loaned me some cloth (I believe you call it 'fluff'?) to try before we buy sort of thing. My daughter had her first cloth nappy on last night with a lush pink hippy style wrap. She had the fattest botty ever and I couldn't stop smiling! :lol:

So.. to round off, I am very excited and keen to start my own nappy collection, probably the 'fitted' nappies because they just seem so cute with the different wraps and the easiest type IMO.

Happy for any advice you have :)

Puppy x

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby KimmyM » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:26 am

Welcome to the party :)
I am an addict as is most people here.
Have you discovered WN yet if you looking for total cute have a look at their website or look in baby bum boutique at the bum cheeks :giggle:
I use WN wraps and northan lights (their fitted's)
It's never to late :thumbsup:

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby monsterm » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:28 am

Hi & welcome to the tree :cnthug:

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby puppycat » Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:10 am

Thanks for the replies :wave:

I'm not quite up on the lingo yet, could you tell me what WN is?

I'm just looking at the birth to potty packs, thinking ahead to the next one (we're TTC) and it seems practical. I really love the wraps though but I know DH is reluctant to spend money :giggle:

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby KimmyM » Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:22 am

Oh gosh sorry poke me several time with a big stick.
Google Weenotions and say sorry to your other half for me :giggle:
I'm not a fan of the birth to potty pack bit that's probably because A) I love buying fluff B) I have been down that route several times C) not all systems work for all babies all the time.
I'd get a couple of different types to see what you like using :hug:

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby scarlet » Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:36 am

I would agree on avoiding the birth to potty packs.
Mainly due to the fact if those nappies arrive and you don't get one with them , you have spent a large amount of money on only one type of nappy.
Most men are worried about the cost at first but think of it this way. How much do you spend on depo's a week , that is money you are literally throwing in the bin. With your cloth nappies they can be worn again and again and again. You can all sell them on once you have finished with them and use the funds for more nappies for your new baby.
You will notice such a difference to your weekly shop when you stop buying depo's!!
I'd also recommend a look on the classified's to pick up a few different types of nappies.
Don't be put off if one type of nappy doesn't work for you. What work's for one doesn't for other's. Go by what you like the look of. Ask the seller about the nappy your buying and have a look on google for information on the original maker to familiarise yourself.
I would also keep track of all the different brands you buy and what the nappy looks like. It can be confusing when you first start out.That way you can see which you like the best then get more of that style!

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby g murphy » Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:04 am

:wave: :wave: and welcome! xx

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby jclmellor » Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:45 am

welcome mama! my advice is to buy from classifieds and also to try reusable wipes and wool (wool can be used instead of PUL covers) xxx

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Re: New to cloth with a toddler!

Postby KimmyM » Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:54 am

scarlet wrote:I would agree on avoiding the birth to potty packs.
Mainly due to the fact if those nappies arrive and you don't get one with them , you have spent a large amount of money on only one type of nappy.
Most men are worried about the cost at first but think of it this way. How much do you spend on depo's a week , that is money you are literally throwing in the bin. With your cloth nappies they can be worn again and again and again. You can all sell them on once you have finished with them and use the funds for more nappies for your new baby.
You will notice such a difference to your weekly shop when you stop buying depo's!!
I'd also recommend a look on the classified's to pick up a few different types of nappies.
Don't be put off if one type of nappy doesn't work for you. What work's for one doesn't for other's. Go by what you like the look of. Ask the seller about the nappy your buying and have a look on google for information on the original maker to familiarise yourself.
I would also keep track of all the different brands you buy and what the nappy looks like. It can be confusing when you first start out.That way you can see which you like the best then get more of that style!

too true my hubby still can't work out the difference between inserts and boosters and the number of times DS has gone to bed with a pocket nappy and a wrap :roll: I keep threatening for Christmas I'm going to make him a photo book with all the different nappies in and a description :hohoho: he doesn't seem keen. Go figure. :widesmile:


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