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Hi everyone

Postby sophDC » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:39 am

My name is Sophie and my first baby is due in around 7 weeks. So from tomorrow I can say 'next month'!
I love the idea of using cloth nappies and my OH is 100% with me on that plan, unlike the mum and MIL who seem to think its as bad as giving a baby drugs or something! I keep telling them cloth has changed loads, but don't tend to talk about it with them...as they clearly think I'm a lunatic!
Anyway, I'm really excited and would really appreciate any help or tips on cloth nappies. Look forward to chatting :)

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby Cyrillia » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:47 am

:wave: Welcome to the CNT! :D

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby KimmyM » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:48 am

Hello :wave: my biggest tip would be don't waste your time with birth to potty packs, I have had two and neither worked for us. I'd get a couple of different types and see what you feel works best for you.
For the first few weeks I always used Muslims folded not sure that would help sell it to your MIL though. I'm sure some one else could advise on new born fluff though.
Good luck :)

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby teganplus2 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 am

Hi and welcome to the tree :hug: would def second kimmy in suggesting trying a few different nappies rather than buying a birth to potty pack, if I'd have just gone with what was freely available in the real world I would have given up on fluff before I started, the Internet is definitely the place for fluff! There is sonmuch around it can be very daunting for a newbie what with pockets, AIO, AI2, fitteds, wraps etc etc etc and what works for one person will be useless for another, I have three in cloth an use pockets exclusively whereas a lot of the ladies on here are more keen on fitted's and wraps (and don't get them started on wool :giggle:) just remember if at first you don't succeed try try again, you can always sell on the ones that don't work! And just ask, ask, ask if stuck!

You will come up against a lot of negativity fron a lot of people but just stick to your guns and do what's right for you


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Re: Hi everyone

Postby knees_on » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:18 am

Hi and welcome!!!!

Yes, sometimes people think its strange to go to a bit more trouble when 'you can just use disposables' as these seemed like such a blessing in their day! But they obviously haven't experienced the world of pretty fluff!! :giggle:


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Re: Hi everyone

Postby Kirstyh » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:12 pm

:wave: Hi and welcome, come join all us loons on here :giggle:

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby beck » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:14 pm

Hi and welcome :) jump right in and ask as many questions as you need.

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby Twinkletoes » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:23 pm

Hello! :wave:

I had similar reactions to my cloth decision, mainly from people already using disposables. I changed my mind a few times, and so glad I went cloth in the end. Cloth is lovely, not hard work at all, and better for little bottoms. Plus it's so PRETTY! And cuddly. Need I go on?!

I used cloth from birth, we liked folded terry squares (folded muslins didn't work well for us), little lambs, diddy diapers. At 10lbs we added some pockets, and we continued with a mix of fitteds with wool, and pockets until she sadly potty trained at 25 months.

Enjoy your fluffy shopping! :D

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby ImisMummy » Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:43 pm

:wave: Welcome to CNT

My MIL is very similar. She is forever asking why i "put those retched things" on my daughter, yet when she had my husband, cloth was the only option!

Always remember its your child and your decision, not any one elses :hug:


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