
Don't know what I am doing

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Don't know what I am doing

Postby Etak » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:13 pm

They say to say hello, well Hello, but I don't know if this is the right place to do it? I tend not to do forums simply because I get a bit lost on them. I feel I have to now as I need to get the word out about some nappies and booster pads I have designed. I have put my savings into this big venture. I could not find washable nappies I liked for my children so I made my own, thought what a good idea, 4yrs later I am only now trying to market them, oops a bit late I think. Registered the idea about 3.5 yrs ago, only to find companies like bumgenius are now coming out with very similar concepts!! Plus to be taken seriously with the retailers I need to get them trialed, so I need to find a group of testers. I hope this is a good place to start. NOt sure if I can find my way back to this comment, but helpful advice is always welcome and any interest welcome too. Well I do feel better for having a bit of a rant and look forward to any feedback. :-)

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby teganplus2 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:30 pm

@Etak, welcome to the tree :hug: you will find lots of willing testers,I am obviously there at the front for anything you want to send my way ;) there can never be too many nappy makers out there and to be honest I tend to favour the WAHM's over the big names, it only takes a couple of people to like your brand and word spreads like wildfire through the cloth community xx

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby rachyrach » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:35 pm

teganplus2 wrote:@Etak, welcome to the tree :hug: you will find lots of willing testers,I am obviously there at the front for anything you want to send my way ;) there can never be too many nappy makers out there and to be honest I tend to favour the WAHM's over the big names, it only takes a couple of people to like your brand and word spreads like wildfire through the cloth community xx

Welcome and happy to test!

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby mummy_goose1 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:36 pm

Hi @etak :wave:
Hope you're managing to find your way around! The tree is a great community-with everyone being mega friendly and willing to help!
Oh... And another willing tester here...!!!

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby Cyrillia » Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:06 pm

Welcome to the CNT! :D

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby bekhi1983 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:20 pm

Hi :wave: and welcome to the tree :cnthug: As pp has said, it only takes a few happy customers and word spreads like wild fire. I also prefer wahm nappies, they tend to be better made, they understand there customers a bit more as they have there own experience's with cloth, and they are also so much more pretty. Facebook is a good start, its a great advertising tool and helps spread the word quickly, as is the wahm area on here as we have such a huge community of users. If you want to find your previous post click the 'forum' tab at the top of the page and click 'my posts'. hth x

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby sleepymummy » Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:29 pm

Hi :wave:
Welcome to the tree :cnthug: I'm sure you'll find us all quite friendly.
I'm another who would be more than happy to test for you :widesmile:

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby Soupdragon » Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:52 am

Hello and welcome to the tree! :wave: We have lots of WAHMs (work at home mums) here, so you'll be in good company. :)

Please take a few moments to look over the rules for CNT (viewtopic.php?f=20&t=35), specifically those that apply to commercial content - surveys/information gathering and advertising. We also have guidelines for WAHMs, here: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=13

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Re: Don't know what I am doing

Postby justme123 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:05 am

:wave: welcome to the tree :-)

Would love to hear more about what you've done and always happy to test :wink:


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