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Hi everyone

Postby Vanilla » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:20 am

Wow this forum seems like a fountain of knowledge, what a great resource! (I have just been browsing... :D )

I hav an 8 yr old and another baby on the way (due april). I wanted to use cloth from the start with my son but it was hard to find out about it back then & there wasn't much available in the shops, and I didn't have internet so missed out a bit! All I could find were bambino mio which seemed a bit overpriced to me at the time, and terry squares, safety pins & those awful plastic pants from mothercare, the elastic of which really dug into baby's legs & tummy plus he made a crackling noise whenever he was picked up!! :giggle: I was also told to soak, rinse & boil wash the terries which was a pain, and using the safety pins was terrifying. So I abandoned cloth for a while, though did discover totsbots when he was a bit older which were a revelation!

How things have moved on now though! I'm spoilt for choice, or would be if I weren't on such a tight budget! I bought some little lambs when they were selling nappies with their old logo off cheap, I don't know if these are good or not but they were such a fantastic bargain, less than £2 per nappy. Also got some totsbots half price in the Jan sale at mothercare. Have also been looking on ebay for wraps but keep missing all the bargains!

Anyway look forward to chatting on here :wave:

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby KimmyM » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:40 am

Hello and welcome :wave:
LL can be fab I had the bamboo one's with DS which worked fab.
If your still after wraps I gave a plain White TB size one wrap I keep meaning go sell it gas been used one so in as new condition. Happy to let it go cheap so it can get some love.

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby Vanilla » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:58 am

Thank you yes I might be interested in the wrap, how much do you want for it? I must say the LL look great, I was very impressed that they included a lovely booster & fleece liner in each nappy too. They look to be well made & lovely quality.

Have also discovered the classified ads section! I may be some time... :wink:

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby ponygirl » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:26 pm

Welcome to the tree :wave:

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby mummy_goose1 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:29 pm

Hello and welcome to the tree!!
Ask away-the ladies on here are knowlegable in every area!! Xx

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby Cyrillia » Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:42 pm

Hi, and welcome to the CNT! :D

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby katyav » Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:11 pm

Welcome! I don't know how things were 8 years ago but right now it's a wonderfully addictive world :giggle:

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby monsterm » Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:39 pm

Hi & welcome :wave:

Do you know what type of little lamb you bought? Their bamboo are brill nappies. I don't like the cotton or microfibre though. Little lamb fleece liners are my favourite liners.

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Re: Hi everyone

Postby Vanilla » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:17 pm

Thanks for the welcome!

monsterm wrote:Do you know what type of little lamb you bought? Their bamboo are brill nappies. I don't like the cotton or microfibre though. Little lamb fleece liners are my favourite liners.

It is the cotton ones, but even if they are not great they will do for emergencies, plus I will be able to use the boosters & liners that came in them. I checked back and I paid £13.50 for 8 size 1 nappies (got 2 lots 16 altogether), £20 for 8 size 2's. That works out at £1.69 each for the size 1's, so probably near what the boosters/liners would have cost alone normally so I won't be heartbroken if I don't love them! I decided I will only wash a couple of the nappies to try, then if I really don't get on with them I can try & sell the rest.

I have come across some Motherease one size on sale, does anyone know what these are like to use? They look very thin from the pics of them, I guess they need a lot of boosting?

oh another question (sorry!), I would like to get a few terry squares as they're so useful, but what brand should I go for? I looked at mothercare's ones when I was in there recently, and they looked awful - really thin & like they would go threadbare after a few washes. I'd like some that are decent quality. I seem to find junior joy ones everywhere on the nappy sites, but dont know what they're like. TIA!


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