Overweight and labour


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Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:38 am
by smilinglou
I've always been slim but on new medication I gained about 3 stone in a year, I'm size 18 and get out of breath easily.
Will labour be more difficult? How do I prepare for pushing etc?

I really went for it when pushing my son out as I knew I was on a time limit (vbac) and just wanted it over, I was induced and on the drip and had an epidural as the pain is more intense with the drip. I remember how hard it was and am a bit worried about ending with a c section this time or forceps etc

Re: Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:50 am
by JabberJabber
I'm not a medical professional so please don't take my thoughts as perfect advice.

However, are you able to get a level of fitness suitable to your stage of pregnancy? Are you able to go to some pregnancy yoga or plates sessions or go to a prenatal swimming group? Improving core muscle strength and general fitness was something suggested for me when I was pregnant with Isaac, but totally designed for being pregnant.

Re: Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:27 am
by smilinglou
I get really anxious going out so it's difficult but I could do something at home perhaps

Re: Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:56 am
by JabberJabber
Have you been able to talk to your midwife about your concerns?

Re: Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:34 pm
by girlinleeds
I know all pregnancies are different, but due to my hip problems I ended up massively overweight, my bmi was 35+ and other than issues with positioning due to severe spd I had no issues with labour itself. if you can try to do some exercise to improve your health abit it could only make things easier xxx

Re: Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:53 pm
by Aeseldyr
I would really recommend YouTube as a source for finding good workoutvideos that are good for pregnant :pregnant: I can connect to YouTube on my TV from AppleTV and are currently doing 30 shred and some pilates, but I am not pregnant (yet) so don't have to think about what I do.

Its (almost) always recommend that if you are overweight and pregnant that you exercise :thumbsup: But I would always talk to my doctor or midwife before engaging into exercise when pregnant - just to make sure that there are not any exercises you should stay away from (like abdominal exercises and so)


Re: Overweight and labour

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:10 pm
by smilinglou
Thanks everyone.
I have spd so my hips and back hurt constantly but I'm sure I could do some exercises. I can get YouTube on the tv so will try that x