
Breech baby, hoping for VBA2C

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Breech baby, hoping for VBA2C

Postby cuppachaplz » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:54 am

Just this really.

35w, but consultant feel that I am likely further along, as dated rather late.
We found out on Friday that baby is breech.
Thankfully there is no nuchal cord :)
Happily, consultant is very supportive of attempting to VBAC, but this is my MLU pool delivery out the window :(
I can't help feeling that baby has not turned as I have been so inactive for the lat month, with Percy being in hospital.
Consultant is happy to attempt ECV, and has booked this for next week. After 2 sections this is contraindicated, so no data available on success...
I have been told to bring bags in case this induces labour, or scar dehiscence necessitating immediate delivery.
He is happy for me to attempt breech delivery if this fails, albeit with a low tolerance for intervention, but has warned that this too is contraindicated after 2 sections and success rates are likely to be under 50% (but not impossible), and again it is contraindicated after 2 sections.

I'm in a total stress panic as Percy is still in hospital.
I really don't want another section.
Can anyone offer me a positive story, a bit of hope, a suggestion of how to encourage the baby to turn (consultant feels this won't happen as extended breech), even so relaxation and coping techniques...

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Re: Breech baby, hoping for VBA2C

Postby ems101 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:01 pm

Hands and knees scrubbing or lie on your back with button raised cam help turn baby.

So less than 50% success is not bad is it?! Come on Mrs stats head, if someone asked you to enter a lottery with the odds of winning were 40%, you'd think you were in for a real good chance no?! So don't be disheartened yet. Can you take a yoga mat into hospital and get on the floor for a bit? Hypnobirthing has good press, maybe order yourself a CD to try and get you in the zone.

It must be incredibly tough with both babies needing you so vitally. You really do have a very hard job on your hands, but you will get through it by doing the very best you can for both with the limiting factors that you can do NOTHING about. I'd say now is the time to call in favours xx

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Re: Breech baby, hoping for VBA2C

Postby cuppachaplz » Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:03 pm

I'm sure this us exactly why baby hasn't turned: lack of scrubbing and other activity whilst sat in here.
And yes, that's exactly what I said to the consultant; whilst I would live better odds, that's hardly game over.
Might bring in a mat, and maybe my ball later.

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Re: Breech baby, hoping for VBA2C

Postby PixieFix » Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:01 pm

Aww I'm the least relaxed person I know so I don't have any tips but :hug: Sounds like you have a great doctor and hope wee Percy is doing ok.

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Re: Breech baby, hoping for VBA2C

Postby gayleygoo » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:25 am

There's still time yet, my DS was breech at 35 weeks and had turned by 37 weeks. Sitting on a yoga ball might help, or gentle walks. Fingers crossed!

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