Sassy Sunday Nappies - whats your baba wearing today?

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Re: Sassy Sunday Nappies - whats your baba wearing today?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:44 pm
by BingBongBoo
M woke up in her usual sposie . Into an ebay cheapie (for morning poo!) then if I remember correctly: Easyfit, Bubblebubs Candy, Bambooty, BG Freetime and is currently in another Bubblebubs Candy.

Re: Sassy Sunday Nappies - whats your baba wearing today?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:10 pm
by Jellybelly6
Joshua woke up wearing a disposable. We have had nappy rash again and I can let rid of it ten times quicker if the NN is a disposable. Next was an old cotton bottoms prefold in a Flip wrap for the morning poo. The same again for the next nappy for the second morning poo!

Next was a pop n gro pocket stuffed with a Thirsties hemp prefold (the only nappy the lasts for church) followed by another pop n gro pocket.

We went swimming so I used a size one unstuffed pop n gro pocket for that and then into a Thirsties pocket nappy (owls print). This also got caught in the crossfire and back to a disposable for bed.