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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:36 am
by clothmama
Thats the problem with HH's, they change the patterns all the time so its often a bit of a hunt to get what you want, I ended up getting my batik turtles from the states! Are you talking about the retro dots pattern? I've got that and its very cool!

Sorry I think I may have answered your initial question wrong as I thought you were asking about liners rather than inserts. Inserts are the absorbant bit to go inside the nappy alot of pocket nappies come with an insert however hh's don't so you will need to buy that seperately. Fuzzis do but not sure about mommys touch. The inserts that they come with are usually made of microfibre which should be fine for a light to medium wetter but if you find that they aren't lasting 3/4 hours then you may need to add something else. The best imo is a hemp insert, very thin and absorbant (takes about 12 washes to reach full absorbancy) twinkleontheweb have the ellas house hemp one which is fab (get the large). I'm still struggling getting my stuffing right with the HH's, I do tend to get a bit of wicking although it hasn't ever made his clothes wet. You should maybe order a small bamboo terry (babeco sell them individually) and a hemp insert and then get some microfibre cleaning cloths from the supermarket, then you have a few things to play with to find a combo that works for you.

What colour fuzzis and mt did you get?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:41 am
by karenandgeorgia
Have you tried e-mailing Christine at cumfy bumfy, if you do she may be able to order in the sizes and prints you want. If not what I did was order from the states, you can get some cheap bumgenius too if you do that!!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:17 am
by HannahBanana
Do you know what i did as I had trouble ordering and she's not replied but then i realised the large would be too big. (good job really)

And I have also just realised that Cumfy Bumfy is just down the road from me in milton keynes and kipskabin is based in leicester (where i bought my fuzzi) which is not far in the other direction! lol! I met the lady that runs kipskabin on Mumzone forum and forgot she was close!

Right I need to have another look around and get some inserts.

I bought a Lavender & Bubblebum Fuzzi and a celery Mommy's Touch (pale greenish colour) as these are the colours most her clothes are - saying that she needs new clothes! growing! lol

I really want to get some pattern ones too so I'm off on a HH hunt pmsl! Oh and I need a bin!

Thanks everyone for your help x

Tory I have been chatting to Ruth and managed to convert her too! She was already thinking about doing it at night time as Jack gets sore bum but think she has now ordered some fuzzi's for the day too haha

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:59 am
by beck
Oooooh lucky you ordering lots, I've got a bubblegum fuzzi and its lovely!

BECK : )

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:00 am
by clothmama
Wow Hannah, you must win earliest ever convert!!!! Thats fab, make sure you send her here when she needs help :wink: !

Your colours sound great, let us know what else you get!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:14 pm
by HannahBanana
Yay! I'm so excited! Christine phoned me after i left an email lats night.

She is going to add to her order from the states 2 lovely HH for me! I had a search at whats available and although they're not on her site she's going to get me them! God I'm such a brat! I WANT THAT ONE! pmsl!

Here are the 2 HH I am getting: ... isy-lg.jpg

and ... ian-lg.jpg

hehe I am very excited! LOVE the blue daisy one and am pleased as i really wanted the polka dot one but they only do it in large or small, so chuffed i found one i actually like even more!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:37 pm
by karenandgeorgia
Oh wow! I love the daisy one :D :D

Bet you can't wait until they arrive :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:20 pm
by cherobanne
LOVE the HH prints you've chosen! I want a girl! Hope they arrive soon! :D


PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:10 am
by Velvetsteph
Just wanted to warn you about the lavender oil as I know that Erin has got really sensitive skin...

If I use lavender oil at all when washing Isabelle's nappies we get the return of the nappy rash... Even just one drop seems to set her off!

As we tend to have hard water in the UK vinegar added to the rinse/conditioner drawer helps soften the nappies, however if you're using pocket nappies this isn't really an issue as the don't "crunch" the same way bamboo/cotton ones do so you won't really need to use it apart from occasionally...

I've ordered some more HH from Cumfy too - Batik turtles and bubbley ducks... can't wait! I ordered large as I found the medium (even tho' Isabelle is only 8kg) were a little low slung at the back!!

Enjoy :)

Steph xx