
Grand-parents' attitudes?

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby confusinglady » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:26 pm

My mum was similar, she had 3 in terries but has always been nervous of ' new cloth' I think just due to practise. She also lives far away so didn t have chance to practise. We used a prefold system only with dd1 and she worried about getting it on correctly.
She's happy happy with pockets now .... I say now but we ve just potty trained dd2.
My Mil told every man and his dog all about us using cloth and ' how it's come on' since the olden days :)
She's a kind of ' your the parents i ll go along with what you want me to do'
She's great :D

I think cloth confuses people, understandly so sometimes. If you re using two parters it's the same kind of principle to get her head around, soaking uppy bit then waterproof cover.

Still lots of misconceptions about, some people still think you ve got to boil them!!!!!

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby ponygirl » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:38 pm

confusinglady wrote:Still lots of misconceptions about, some people still think you ve got to boil them!!!!!

Boil them???!!! As if all us mummy's would have time for that! lol :giggle:

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby Scotia » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:44 pm

My mum was neither up nor down about it. I'd love my dd to use cloth but ultimately it's her decision so we just need to wait and see. I'll need to get her to join CNT :giggle:

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby Emma1977 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:53 pm

My mum didn't mind me using them at all - although she didn't understand my addiction to buying them :giggle: My MIL on the other hand was very reticent about using them, despite using terries with her own children. When sposies came out they were seen as a luxury item and a far easier option to terries and wraps. In her mind Pampers are a luxury nappy :-? She also found cloth a bit of a fuss and, even though she used them, she would find any excuse to use sposies if she could. I wouldn't mind but I only ever sent over BG's and Easyfits already stuffed and ready to go.

I think its a generation thing and an a degree of ignorance. Most people don't know how much cloth has moved on since the original terries - I know I was surprised when I first started looking when I was pregnant with Max.

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby lazylexis » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:06 pm

My step MIL thinks they are great and my mum is pretty supportive but she thinks some cost too much. Then Louise has been using cloth longer than me! Our younger sister is much more of the put babies on a bottle ASAP and use disposables.She is aghast that I still feed Nathan at 3 yrs 4 months and tries to persuade me to stop. She's not particularly eco friendly and thinks bf is pointless after a few weeks.

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby Twinkletoes » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:17 pm

Everybody thought I was bonkers to insist on cloth with dd (4yrs ago). But my folks soon realised it was easy. My mum became a convert (she used terries with us and thinks pockets are fab!) and my stepdad and brother (the only other family members who change nappies) don't know anything other than cloth, so it seems normal. Mil has never changed a nappy nor expressed interest, so I don't know what she thinks. My friends all think I'm nuts, it's disgusting, and must be loads of work. I've given up trying to convince them otherwise.

I genuinely have never found cloth arduous. It's a couple of loads of washing! And then you put them on just like sposies but without the ick factor. What's not to love?!

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby BingBongBoo » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:20 pm

My Mum will happily change cloth nappies - though she prefers AIOs or pre-stuffed pockets as other types are 'complicated' (this coming from a woman who used terry squares on all four of her children). While she's never said anything, I do get the impression that she thinks I'm making needless work for myself though. My MIL is generally very supportive of cloth. She loves that fact that both me and my SIL use cloth on our LOs. She'll have a go at putting on any type of nappy (with mixed results!) , but we tend to leave her with AIOs and pockets. Having said that, she doesn't much like the shaking-the-poo-off-a-liner part of cloth nappies so we tend to use paper liners if she's looking after Dd2 for any length of time.

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby willowherb » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:44 pm

My mum cloth bummed all 4 of us with terry and plastic pants sposies had really only just come out when my sister was born. My mil used terries as well, and seems quite impressed with the moden day versions.

My mum love the cloth nappies and is also impressed by how they are these days, but the only thing she moans about is how many i have saying i really dont need any more. I think she finally realised how many we have when she helped us move in July. they are all in Bubs room at the moment and when we were sorting it out she kept asking what was in this box/bag only to find it was more nappies :giggle:

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Re: Grand-parents attitudes?

Postby BingBongBoo » Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:03 pm

willowherb wrote:My mum love the cloth nappies and is also impressed by how they are these days, but the only thing she moans about is how many i have saying i really dont need any more. I think she finally realised how many we have when she helped us move in July. they are all in Bubs room at the moment and when we were sorting it out she kept asking what was in this box/bag only to find it was more nappies :giggle:

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:


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