
Another reason why cloth is great

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Another reason why cloth is great

Postby BingBongBoo » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:29 pm

I met up with a good friend today. While our LOs played, we ended up chatting about budgets/finances. We were talking about our monthly grocery bills and she mentioned how she now shops around for sposies as they are so expensive and take up a significant part of her budget. I think I must have looked blankly at her for a minute. I mean, I know I spend money on nappies - but that's because I *want* to! If money was tight, I could probably get away with not having to buy another nappy ever. I can't imagine having to factor in the cost of sposies to my grocery bill.

I did try to suggest that she gives cloth a go, and even offered to lend her some of my stash to get her started but she thinks it would be 'too much extra work' *sigh*

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby willowherb » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:38 pm

i cant begin to think how much it cost to buy sposies now? Show her some pretty ones they might tempt her :lol:

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby Bugglyboo » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:44 pm

We're having to use sposies at the moment :( I can almost see the money falling out of the bank. Pampers are 16.8 pence per nappy and sainsbury's are something like 10p per nappy.

I cannot wait to get back into cloth (6 weeks to go). It gives me such satisfaction saving so much money.

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby justme123 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:02 pm

That's true. Nappies are definitely an "optional nice to have" in my budget. Sposies really do add to the weekly grocery shop.

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby aimeet » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:46 am

I notice it with having the girls in sposies for the childminder once a week and at nights (we have 2 super wetting light sleepers so they went into sposies for my sanity) coupled with the fact thay mine have been oput of action for a few days while I strip washed ALL of them. It really does add to the bills and even the own brand ones are really expensive!

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby Mumof5 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:03 am

I worked out that in the first 6 months of Dot's life I would have spent more on sposies than I had on cloth, even though she has some fancy nappies! So they have paid for themselves twice over already! :widesmile: I always tell people that I'm a lazy cow, so if they were extra work I certainly wouldn't be using them. Maybe an extra wash load every 2 days is a lot of work in some peoples opinion? :roll:

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby jclmellor » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:43 pm

i'm using cloth full time (and wipes and csps) for two babies and tbh i'm finding washing/drying/stuffing the nappies a bit tiring. everyday i wash 15 nappies and goodness knows how many wipes and csps. i was okay with just one kiddo in cloth but now with two it's much harder. we have 3 indoor airers and one outdoor airer just for nappies but they never seem to dry...! some days i don't have time to tackle that day's dry nappies which need stuffing so they just sit on the bathroom floor, and that pile starts to build up and then hubby starts getting annoyed with all the nappies everywhere... i love using cloth and i think that love is essential, or else i deffo wouldn't bother.

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby laceybat » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:46 pm

yep we are glad that we use cloth as we can't really affored to buy sposie. i'm glad ryan is back in cloth after a 6 month brake and he's in them at night too now :yahoo:

we were speanding £60 a month onsposie for those months :shock:

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Re: Another reason why cloth is great

Postby Dora » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:38 am

My childminder uses disposable at times during the once a week she has my lo (lazy so and so)-and i can tell as he smells like gone-off gravy when wearing them :puke: x


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