
Nursery not happy with cloth :(

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Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby gillypoos » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:15 pm

Hello. I'm a newbie to this forum stuff, but I'm desperate!

Have a 20m girl, she's been @ nursery for a year. I send her with easy fits, nursery were reluctant at first but managed to persuade them. They have the odd moan but now have said no more cloth :(

She's recently had a sore bum (teething) so they have put her in their sposies (that's their choice) so I was told no more cloth because:
-she's much more mobile in sposies (hey she can get up our stairs PDQ in a real nappy) even climbing on a chair is easier for her..
- they make red marks on her legs (nope, that's the night nappies which I do put on tight)
So no more cloth of any shape or size...
I felt like the worst parent in the world hearing this :(

I didn't rise to the bait last week, thought it was best to discuss this after I had time to think.

Anyone have any advice please? Leaving not really an option as this is really close to my work, anywhere else would probably mean pay loads in late fees. And not really fair to move her.
I want to fight my corner as I've heard places can't refuse cloth, but I also don't want them to tell me to find somewhere else...

Thanks in advance x

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby JabberJabber » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:21 pm

They cannot tell you you can't use cloth! What if your child were allergic to something in disposables, what would they do then?

It sounds like they need educating better to be honest to learn to put them on so they don't cause red marks.

The mobility thing is rubbish. How have generations of people managed - they weren't all in disposables.

I'm frustrated on your behalf!

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby Dora » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:30 pm

Im admiring your tongue biting skills. I'd have gone nuts! Really cant see how they can refuse. I take it they have written t&c's? X

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby red_dwarf » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:35 pm

They dont have a choice! By law they HAVE to use cloth if you as them to. it seems as tho it is easier for them to use sposies as they use them on everyone else, but that isnt a choice that is theres to make. Stand your ground hun and tell them to stick with the cloth

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby Miss_Purple » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:35 pm

I'd have gone mad too, you are paying them for a service and they can't refuse to look after your child your way. Their reasons are bull too.

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby fivefourfour » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:37 pm

What everyone else has said. They don't have a choice. It;s not like easyfits are hard to deal with.

Hope you can get things sorted amicably.

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby smaths » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:44 pm

I would be so annoyed too! My daughter has just started in nursery a month and they were a bit scared by the cloth nappies because they'd never ever seen one before, but it seems to be going ok so far. I would be raging if they they told me they wouldn't do it anymore.

The mobilty argument is tripe - really.

I don't really understand what their problem is, YOU are paying THEM [probably quite a lot of money] to look after your daughter. It doesn't take any more of their time or money to respect your wishes and use cloth. In fact they probably have to pay for their waste collection so it probably saves them money. Would it help if you went in and showed them how you put the nappies on if they are doing it wrong and putting them on too tight? Babies in disposables get nappy rash too so that's not really a reason for deciding cloth is bad, how bad are the red marks?

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby confusinglady » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:57 pm

What they all said ^

It's your choice not theirs unless they have ' we will use the nappies we have on your child' in the terms and conditions etc ( I doubt it) which you have signed.

Do they have ' we will make decisions about what nappy your child will wear' in their terms and condition :giggle: !!!

If it were a sposie brand they didn t like would they just over ride the parent and use one of theirs?!

My 2 have both worn cloth to nursery no problem what so ever.

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Re: Nursery not happy with cloth :(

Postby gillypoos » Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:05 pm

Thanks guys for your support.
Clearly it's a miracle anyone in cloth learned to walk based on their ideas lol!
Yep, it ain't cheap, and the thought of coughing up more money on evil sposies is well annoying!
@red dwarf, or anyone else, do you have any details on the legal stuff? I have been unsucessful at finding anything..


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