
Training pants

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Training pants

Postby Mumof5 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:44 pm

Although my lo is no where near potty training, and I know training pants aren't a necessity, I want an excuse to buy new nappies! :giggle:
I quite like the idea of the flip trainers, we already use flip nappies and find them very reliable, and I like that you can adjust the absorbency to suit. But £27 each (they do come with 3 inserts I suppose) is quite a lot to be paying if they are no good. Has anyone tried them, or are there any other recommendations? I need something that will function as a nappy, but can be easily pulled up and down.
I am a fan of Dot being 'nappy free', but dh seems to worry every time she is running around with a bare bum, dunno why really - we have laminate floors! :roll:

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Re: Training pants

Postby emmab16 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:10 am

£27!!!! Wow that's a lot, there's some cheap training pants around but they're not absorbent like pull ups. I'm sure i've read about yo-yo's being good xxx

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Re: Training pants

Postby Mumof5 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:45 am

Yo-yos are £12.50 for one pocket nappy, so that works out even more expensive than the flips. :-? I am introducing EC (should have attempted sooner but I'm just a bit lazy!) and I was just thinking that a nappy we could pull up and down would make life easier?

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Re: Training pants

Postby mummy_mi » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:05 pm

I tried a flip and hated it, it's a pain to take the wet insert out as its velcro'd in at each end (sounds easy but it's fiddly) and put in a new one, plus they feel flimsy and as a side note one of the snaps came through the material on ours and broke.

The best we've tried by far are the Grovias, they are expensive at £13 each but they have a pocket to stuff and are easy to pull up and down and you can unsnap them if needed. Chloe loves them. Our 2nd fav are the blueberry training pants, no snaps to undo or a way to add absorbency just pull up and down but come in pretty patterns which again Chloe likes.

Oh and we tried bright bots, very basic and cheap, they do the job but the fit on Chloe was a bit odd and they didnt hold a whole wee and no unsnap option. And also close training pants which were a better fit then the bright bots but more expensive. I need to do a clear out of some of ours if your interested as Chloe is not ready for PT so we're holding off but I could do with off loading the many that I bought for us to try now that I know the grovia and blueberry work perfect for us.

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Re: Training pants

Postby Mumof5 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:43 am

Thanks for that @mummy_mi - Definitely having second thoughts about the flips! She is now telling me most times when she has done a wee, so probably don't need something super absorbent (we'd still use nappies when going out). I would be interested if you want to sell anything. :wink:

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Re: Training pants

Postby mollycoddles » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:10 am

OK so I'm glad to see I'm not the only one struggling to find anything.
So far I've seen...
Gro via, Hahtuvahullu, Happy Hienys, Best Bottom, pocket bots, flip pull ups, minki yoyo and super undies that give the option to boost like a nappy and pull up like pants.
Thing is they are all too expensive for what they are, it's crazy.
I've also seen Bububibi's on ebay that are one size minky potty training pants... most cloth nappy companies seem to do thier own potty training pants, but my little one doesn't have the control yet to hold a wee, even though he is telling me as soon as he's done one.
I want to put him on the potty so he learns to associate doing a no 1 or 2 with the toilet and gradually starts to ask to go before it's too late, but for now we need to have fully nappy absorption... but with the convenience of pull up style to put him on his potty.
I think it's criminal that it's all so expensive as I'll need a fair number of these. Not only that - he prefers to stand than to lie down to have a new nappy put on now. I've looked for some preloved's but can't find anything anywhere!
Don't fancy forking out another £100 on a new set of nappies... trainer pants cost enough too when we get to that stage... I thnk I may have to invest in a sewing machine... may save a bit! But even then if you are not wholesale PUL costs a bomb!
If anyone has a better solution let me know
Someone did recommend the following incontinence site - as an alternative to buying nappies... seems better value and decent quality, so may consider these as an option but these start from age 2 and my little man is smaller than that.
I am tempted to just spend the cash and buy a variety to try... but can't honestly justify it!
Of course disposables are an option (assuming this will be a short phase). If not I guess I'll just have to rip his nappys of as quickly as possible for the time being.
Any advice here is welcome though

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