
How I use my nappies.

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How I use my nappies.

Postby SarryB » Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:52 pm

I'm quite new to ClothNappyTree, but I do love cloth nappies. One of the hardest thing I found when looking at nappies was finding out just how people use them. So I thought it might be handy for people considering cloth to look and learn about how cloth-users use their nappies. I've made this list of questions, and would love if you could fill it out?
How many children do you have in nappies and how long have you been using cloth?

What is your main reason for wanting to use cloth nappies?

What is your preferred type of nappy (SIO, AIO, BTP etc) and why?

How many cloth nappies/wraps/wipes etc do you have?

What do you use at night time?

Do you use cloth wipes, why and what kind?

Do you use liners, why and what kind?

How do you store your clean nappies/wipes etc?

How do you store your dirty nappies/wipes?

How do you wash and dry your nappies?

How do you do a strip wash of your nappies?

How do you use your cloth nappies when out and about?

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Re: How I use my nappies.

Postby SarryB » Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:39 pm

How many children do you have in nappies and how long have you been using cloth?
I have one 9.5 month old boy in nappies, and have been using them since he was 2.5 months old.

What is your main reason for wanting to use cloth nappies?
I hate landfill. I really hate the idea that nappies I used as a baby will still be sitting there, trying to degrade, when my great-great-great-great grand-childen are having babies.

What is your preferred type of nappy (SIO, AIO, BTP etc) and why?
I like two-parters. After trying a few different types, I settled on the 'Flip' system by Bumgenius. I use the Flip microfibre inserts along with their covers, but am looking at some different covers to add a bit of variety to my stash! Basically, it's a long thin piece of suede-topped microfibre that sits inside a PUL wrap. I have found them to be best at containing poo explosions. I also love that they are Birth-To-Potty, so not only should they fit my baby until he's potty-trained, but if I have another baby in the near future, I won't have to buy more nappies in different sizes.

How many cloth nappies/wraps/wipes etc do you have?
I have 12 wraps (8 popper, 4 aplix), 26 microfibre inserts, 8 microfibre boosters and 4 pre-fold cotton nappies. I have 25 terry cloths for wipes.

What do you use at night time?
I use one Flip wrap, one Flip microfibre insert, with one microfibre booster underneath. This lasts 12 hours for us, and we've only had one or two leaks in the 7 months we've been using them.

Do you use cloth wipes, why and what kind?
I bought a Cheeky Wipe set, which includes 25 terry wipes, a box to keep them in and a couple of bags for using them when out and about. I decided to use cloth wipes as when you're changing a cloth nappy with disposable wipes, you have to bag the wipes and then bin them. Makes much more sense to just chuck them into the nappy bucket and wash!

Do you use liners, why and what kind?
Yes, I use flushable and bio-degradable/compostable liners. I use these rather than washable ones, as I find if Squid does a big horrible slimey poo (like when he is teething!) I can just flush and forget about it. Having recently discovered that you can wash disposable liners, means that where possible, they get washed. So if Squid has done a solid poo, I can just pop that down the toilet, and wash the liner. Some of my liners have been washed 10 times and are still going strong, so that pack of 100 should last me a while! I like Little Green Earthlets as they fit the Flip insert perfectly.

How do you store your clean nappies/wipes etc?
I have two large boxes that I store my nappies in. One holds the ready-made nappies, and another that holds the other clean inserts and wipes.

How do you store your dirty nappies/wipes?
I currently dry-pail - I use a mesh bag that fits inside a lidded bucket, and just stick the dirty nappies and wipes in there. Once the bucket is full (every 2-3 days), I do a wash. I will be switching to 2 or 3 wet-bags that I can hang up though, as my Squid is getting very mobile, and I've already found him with his hand in the dirty bucket twice!!

How do you wash and dry your nappies?
I use a front-loading washer/dryer. First I do a cold rinse, then wash everything (wraps, wipes, liners and inserts) at 40 degrees, with a tiny squirt of Fairy Non-Bio Washing Gel and a spoon full of Bambino-Mio powder, using the 'super-wash' fuction. For drying, sometimes I remove the wraps and hang them up to dry and just tumble-dry the inserts, liners and wipes for 1 hour (there is no high/low setting on my machine). Other times I hang everything up. I don't have a garden, so I use a clothes horse in front of a window and radiator to dry. Everything normally dries overnight.

How do you do a strip wash of your nappies?
I only do this with the inserts and wipes, not the wraps. First, I do a cold rinse. Then I put a big squirt of Fairy (dish) Washing Up Liquid in the drawer, along with a dose of Bambino-Mio powder. I put the machine to 90 degrees and on a 'super-wash'. Then I rinse and rinse and rinse until there are no more bubbles left! Sometimes it takes up to 4 rinses before all the bubbles are gone!

How do you use your cloth nappies when out and about?
In my nappy bag I have one wrap and two or three disposable inserts, along with disposable wipes. Both the wipes and the inserts I use are compostable. So when I'm out, Squid starts off in a cloth nappy, then when I change him, it's into a disposable insert. I pop any dirty wipes etc into a 'dog-poo' bag which is also compostable, then I can just add it all to the right bin when I get home. I use a wet-bag to hold any dirty nappies, wraps and clothes.

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Cloth Nappy Lover

Re: How I use my nappies.

Postby Johanna21 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:13 pm

SarryB wrote:I'm quite new to ClothNappyTree, but I do love cloth nappies. One of the hardest thing I found when looking at nappies was finding out just how people use them. So I thought it might be handy for people considering cloth to look and learn about how cloth-users use their nappies. I've made this list of questions, and would love if you could fill it out?
How many children do you have in nappies and how long have you been using cloth?

Just 1 now but I've been using cloth for almost 4 years (since dd was about 2 weeks old).

What is your main reason for wanting to use cloth nappies?

I hate the smell of sposies when the wee and the horrid chemicals mix. Our bin only gets emptied once a fortnight and was always full anyway. I wouldn't wear paper pants so why should my children? Real nappies are so pretty. All the saving the planet type stuff too but that wasn't my main motivation!

What is your preferred type of nappy (SIO, AIO, BTP etc) and why?

Pockets and AIO. Do have mainly BTP but some sized too. Mostly using BG but had to have them changed to snaps as the applix was a disaster and the elastic doesn't last as long as I think it should. Not worth getting something new now though as ds is almost 2. I like a slim fitting nappy that's easy to change.

How many cloth nappies/wraps/wipes etc do you have?


What do you use at night time?

Wee Notions Night Notions with wool soaker or shorties.

Do you use cloth wipes, why and what kind?

Cheeky monkey wipes. Bought the small set with a clean box for the wipes before using and the dirty ones go in the wet bag with the nappy. Got extra wipes so started with 50. Got another box (also with extra wipes) when I briefly had 2 in nappies. Now have 100 wipes for one child! Cloth wipes clean off poo much quicker and easier than disposable ones. Awkward using cloth nappies but having to dispose of wipes in the bin.

Do you use liners, why and what kind?

Fleece from various places. My favourites are from Lollipop but they don't seem to do them anymore :(

How do you store your clean nappies/wipes etc?

In nappy hangers if I get round to stuffing the nappies, more often in a heap in a laundry basket. Spare wipes get stacked up on top of the chest of drawers until put in a box with solution. I'm jealous of some people's amazing storage systems but too lazy to do anything about it :oops:

How do you store your dirty nappies/wipes?

Wet bag (since dd learnt to open a nappy bucket when she was very little). XL in the house, L for out and about. I have exclusively Monkey Foot but am looking for a new XL as one of mine is coming apart and would like suggestions of another brand to try.

How do you wash and dry your nappies?

From wet bag to machine for cold rinse. 40 degree wash with extra water and extra rinse. After much faffing around I'm back to ordinary powder - about half quantity. My favourite advice for working out how much to use was that the nappies shouldn't smell. If you can smell wee, not enough powder. If you can smell washing powder, too much powder. No smell = clean, well rinsed nappies :D

How do you do a strip wash of your nappies?

I've only done it once with vinegar (not for PUL things). If I needed to I'd probably just go with a big load of detergent than rinse endlessly.

How do you use your cloth nappies when out and about?

Nappies in nappy bag stuffed and ready to go straight on. Wipes in small wet bag (I take a handful out of the box so they're wet and ready to use). Wet back for all dirty stuff. If there's a poo then I try to use a changing area in a toilet so I can flush the poo, otherwise anywhere works.

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