
Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

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Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby bealos » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:45 am

I'm in a quandry...

Are natural fabrics best next to baby's skin e.g cotton? This will mean, obviously, it will be damp next to their skin until you change them. Or is having a 'dry bottom' paramount, in which case you'd have a synthetic fabric next to their skin, such as fleece or minky.


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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby aimeet » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:52 am

We always use a fleece liner here but my dd's get rashes if they are next to wetness. We didn't get on with dispo liners either so use microfibre or fleece.

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby docmaggoo » Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:02 am

When James was in nappies - he hated any wet feeling so we used fleece liners. We did briefly use disposable ones but they moved around too much and got all scrunched up - so were a total waste of time.
With Eleanor - she's not been bothered - so we've often not used liners with her.

I think it's more important to have a breathable fabric next to babies bottom. Whether its man made or natural doesn't make too much difference - just so long as its breathable. Which is why we love our fitteds and wool the most!

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby Shaunie » Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:33 am

We use fleece liners too. DS2 reacted badly to dispo liners but instantly cleared with fleece. I guess it depends on how your LO reacts to the wetness against the skin? If there are no issues then I don't see why not just have natural fibers close to their skin :D

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby labbiefan » Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:33 am

Always used fleece x

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby bealos » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:06 pm

I've been tempted by some Micro Diddy Diapers - they are microfleece outer and lined with cotton jersey. I reckon, they'd be very absorbent, but wet against baby's bum - so I'd need to use a fleece liner if I didn't want the wetness to be against baby's bottom. We've been using paper liners so far and LO has had nappy rash, it's hard to tell what from exactly.

I like microfleece for its quick drying properties (we have no dryer) but I can't help wondering if babies bottoms get hotter (or sweatier - tmi?) in microfleece vs cotton or bamboo?

I love our Motherease Sandys and Kissaluvs but they do quite a while to dry.

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby Shaunie » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:12 pm

Paper liners gave my ds2 awful rash, he even blistered and bled :( , but within 24hrs of using fleece his skin was totally clear.

I think they would get hotter in fleece as oppose to cotton & bamboo but it has never caused any issues with my 3. I'd say it's down to personal choice really :D

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby bealos » Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:07 pm

OK - good to know... am going to try our LO without paper liners (and with fleece liners) and see if that improves her rash. Thanks!

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Re: Thoughts on natural vs manmade fabric next to baby's skin

Postby confusinglady » Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:01 pm

Paper liners have my LO nappy rash too, my theory was that the liner ended up stuck to her bottom meaning it was pointless as a stay dry liner.
Fleece has been so much better :thumbsup:

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