
Switching back to cloth with toddler?

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Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby Pixxie » Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:53 am

We used cloth for about 6 months before we moved in with MIL and she wouldn't let me wash them in her machine... We have our own place again now but DD is 2.5 and probably only a few months off potty training. Tbh I'm sick to death of sposies, sick of buying them, sick of the smell, sick of them taking up so much of our bin space. I'd really like to use cloth again but is it worth it? Has anyone done this? How did your child react? I don't want to change if it will hinder potty training although if I remember correctly its more likely to help? She is dry almost every night now but she just forgets to tell us she needs the loo, I think she's a bit lazy tbh lol. If I was to switch back what would be the most cost effective way? Thanks! :thumbsup:

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Re: Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby Bugglyboo » Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:10 am

Could you get a couple of nappies to see how she reacts? You could try some really pretty ones ;)

Ed has been in and out of cloth and has never had a problem switching. We use sposies at night otherwise he ends up sore for some reason :(

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Re: Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby Pixxie » Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:29 am

Yea I was thinking if they're pretty she might be less likely to want to wee in them :giggle: I've not got a clue what size she would need mind you, weighing her would probably be a good start :roll:

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Re: Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby epsilon1 » Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:21 am

Assuming you've got all the bits and pieces (wraps, wet bag etc) the cheapest way forward would be terry squares - you can get nice coloured ones made by Bright Bots - Nest Shop sold individual colours last I looked, or they come in packs of 6 assorted girl or boy colours. But even white ones are nice with a cool wrap over the top. Blueberry Coveralls are supposedly great (mine arrived in the post today :mail: ) and they have lots of nice prints.

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Re: Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby Pixxie » Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:28 am

I have no bits at all now as space was at a premium I wasn't allowed to keep things that weren't bing used! She's only 30lbs so thinking maybe try out a few of the eBay cheapies?

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Re: Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby Asta » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:31 pm

I was going to suggest prefolds and pretty wraps, just get a couple to try, if she can already hold it for a long time then I doubt it'll be long until she's ready to potty train.

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Re: Switching back to cloth with toddler?

Postby Pixxie » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:48 pm

Thanks, I got a bargain set of bambino mios off eBay in her size and a friend has donated a few fitteds and wraps. I've just put one on her though and she hates it... Hoping she forgets about it soon, she's doing a funny walk and telling me to take it off :-?

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