
Which nappies have the best resale value?

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Which nappies have the best resale value?

Postby joannacliffe » Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:34 pm

Which nappies do you think hold their value the best? Any brands difficult to sell on? Also which have the longest lifespan?

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Re: Which nappies have the best resale value?

Postby docmaggoo » Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:54 pm

I think that's a hard one to answer.
Each brand of nappies definitely come and go in terms of popularity.

What is popular once, can easily fall out of trend.

I wouldn't choose your nappies based on resale value- but on what works for you.

I adore my old style cotton tots bots and have used them on 2 children. But they wouldn't sell for anything now.
I've had my monies worth out of them!

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Re: Which nappies have the best resale value?

Postby ems101 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:46 pm

Wss! However, I do think some brands sell on better. Bgs and totsbots seem popular. Pretties usually sell on well too.

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Re: Which nappies have the best resale value?

Postby gilbertandmartha » Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:32 pm

Exactly what they say! its funny I have been using cloth now for nearly 5 years, and when I started there was a frenzy over nappies like Goodmama (and other ones that I can't remember), then it moved to some other expensive types, and you couldn't give a Goodmama away. Then its slowly moved away from the 'collector status' IMO and more towards the workshorse types that last and are 'Frills free' but cute, like tots bots, or blueberry.

I would really say to try a few cheaper ones out and see what fits and what you like and then go with that, try not to over think the selling on bit.

But if you want to buy just to try and then possibly sell on, then buy like a used car, let someone else take the hit on the first sale and buy like new second hand, from then on no one really cares if its had 2 or 3 owners :giggle:

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