
Binding feedback

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Binding feedback

Postby InkMinx » Thu May 15, 2014 8:17 am

Im going to look at making a nappy wrap myself in the near future and have been looking at patterns that use fold over elastic as the binding. I have never used this material before but it looks like a quicker and simpler way then using elastic and then a lycra binding over the top.

However looking at all the wraps I have or have used before none of them have been made using this, which made be winder why. I was wondering if any of you have used a FOE edged wrap on your LO's before and if you experienced any problems with it, did it irritate or leave marks on their skin?

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Re: Binding feedback

Postby clothmama » Thu May 15, 2014 9:09 am

I'm not sure who does and doesn't use it but I thought that it was common? Certainly the patterns I've looked at to use in the past have used it too.

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