
Charlie Banana

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Charlie Banana

Postby charay » Tue May 27, 2014 1:54 pm

Hi All
Does anyone use these nappies? If so, have you found alternative inserts/ boosters that work better than the ones they come with? I really like them but only get about 1.5 hrs with one MF insert and a LL bamboo booster on my heavy-wetter almost one year old, even less if he is strapped in the pram and the nappy is compressed.


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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Charlie Banana

Postby Jellybelly6 » Tue May 27, 2014 3:30 pm

I use a little lamb bamboo tri-fold insert under one of Charlie banana micro fibre inserts. This is good for three hours for us but not so great if he is seated :)

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Re: Charlie Banana

Postby charay » Tue May 27, 2014 10:04 pm

Hi Jellybelly6 can you tell is it the insert that comes with the LL pocket nappy? Does it make the nappy really bulky?

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Charlie Banana

Postby Jellybelly6 » Wed May 28, 2014 8:39 am

Yes, it is the insert that comes with the sized LL pocket nappies (although you can buy them seperately too :thumbsup: )

The micro fibre insert actually is more bulky than the LL insert and in other pockets I often just use the LL insert with one LL bamboo booster instead of the microfibre insert.

Will be back later with some photos (they are all in the wash at the moment :giggle: )

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Charlie Banana

Postby Jellybelly6 » Thu May 29, 2014 8:00 pm


A stuffed L Charlie banana.


The inserts- one big microfibre and one LL insert.


Same inserts, different view.

Hope that helps @charay

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Re: Charlie Banana

Postby charay » Fri May 30, 2014 6:10 pm

O Thank you. The pictures are really helpful, Jellybelly6. It does actually look quite slim. I've never used prefolds/trifolds but I might have to get some. I think i read somewhere that LL might be doing discount soon. I'll stock up then. I do like their boosters so I'm sure these will be great.
Hopefully this will work because I do want to keep using my CB's.

Thanks again..

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