
New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

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New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

Postby JessicaJunior » Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:06 am

Hi all, I am pregnant with baby #2 and this time a stay at home mum so looking into cloth nappies mostly to save us some money! Looking to make up a starter bundle before baby arrives (ages away!- December!) of different types of nappies and brands so I can get a feel for what we may invest in long term. Please let me know what you have for sale in neutral colours and good condition. Also any tips on how to use them/ what extras I may need to buy would be great as I don't have a clue! Thank you x

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Re: New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

Postby ems101 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:22 pm

I have about 7little lamb bamboo fitteds. V popular. Will fit from about 7-15lb. Bargain price 2.50 each as I need funds for the next size up!

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Re: New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

Postby Sophiebeth23 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:10 pm

I have discovered that some cheap nappies work well with bamboo inserts, prefolds are my favourite. Haven't got any to sell I'm too much of an addict!

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Re: New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

Postby Soupdragon » Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:11 am

Hello and welcome to the Tree! :wave:

Maybe have a look at the review section of the site to get a feel for what other people like for newborns:


There's also a classifieds section, where you might pick up a bargain:


Or you could post your own wanted ad here:


Personally, I preferred fitted with a wrap and pocket nappies when mine were tiny. And definitely poppers, rather than aplix/velcro. Bamboo is definitely more absorbent, so I always preferred that to any other type of fabric (we never got on with microfibre!).

In terms of what you'll need, a nappy bucket/bag. Cloth wipes (if you're doing cloth nappies, you might as well go the whole hog!). Probably boosters - bamboo or hemp. Oh, and look into dedicated night nappies for when your LO is bigger.

Pull up a chair and have a nosey around the site - there's a lot of useful info and some very knowledgeable ladies who'll answer any questions. :)

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Re: New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

Postby clothmama » Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:17 am

Hi and welcome to the site :wave: !

JessicaJunior wrote:Looking to make up a starter bundle before baby arrives (ages away!- December!) of different types of nappies and brands so I can get a feel for what we may invest in long term.
@JessicaJunior that is exactly what I did with my 2nd when I started with cloth and it worked out so well, I spent about 120 pounds and had my 6 months with those initial nappies and sold them on and got the same back! I then knew what we liked and what we didn't and bought my size 2 nappies accordingly! I'm doing similar this time - I'm also due in December - on the 4th - what date are you due? I'm already collecting, the lovely Soupdragon has handed me down a lot of her nappies and I've got some left from my last baby and I'm slowly adding a few extras as I see nappies I want to try!

Great advice above and keep asking anything you need to know!

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Re: New to cloth- looking for newborn size to try out :)

Postby JessicaJunior » Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:51 am

Hi all thank you for your comments - I have been on eBay and won couple of bids for just £1/2 for a few wraps and nappy inners so I am really happy about that and a friend is also pregnant and was bought a new tots bots set size 0 & 1 however she is not a fan of cloth so I have got those coming for just £15. Really excited to try them all out - seems so silly being excited about stinky nappies lol :) ! I am due 19th December - my son will be 6 on the 7th December so a very busy and very expensive month for us with Xmas- think I will be going back to work sooner than I hoped to start saving for next years presents!! :) xx

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