
Tots bots easy fit v4 - bamboozle - little lamb osfa

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Tots bots easy fit v4 - bamboozle - little lamb osfa

Postby Katielou » Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:14 pm

Hi everyone,

Just looking for an opinion from someone who has used these nappies and can give a comparison.
I started off with ll osfa and dont like them too much. I'm lucky to get 3 hours with 3 boosters and they leave red marks on my lo's legs.
I then started using bamboozles with a wrap and also bamboo terry squares. These last well and am happy with them. However I need to get some more easy to use nappies for people to use when looking after lo. Ideally I'd go for more bamboozles it's just they are quite expensive and tots bots have the easyfit v4 seconds on the website very cheap. So I wondered what these are like in comparison to the ones I currently use? Mainly reliability as I don't want leaks or very frequent changes needed for others looking after her. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Re: Tots bots easy fit v4 - bamboozle - little lamb osfa

Postby ems101 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:26 pm

I'd change any cloth nappy 3hrly. Occasionally they've fallen asleep and I've had a bamboo fitted last 4 but no more than that.easy fits are not great nappies imo. I'd go for more bamboozled or little lamb bamboo which are similar and often on sale.

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Re: Tots bots easy fit v4 - bamboozle - little lamb osfa

Postby Katielou » Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:35 pm

Thanks for your thoughts. I agree and I do change 3 hourly in day it's just as I say I'm lucky for the ll osfa to last that long. I'm happy to take the chance myself at home but would like something that lasts a little longer for incase with others looking after. She only 3 months so still sleeps a lot so sometimes goes 4 hours between a change. She lasts the night 12 hours in a bamboozle with one hemp booster.

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Re: Tots bots easy fit v4 - bamboozle - little lamb osfa

Postby Sophiebeth23 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:57 pm

We use bamboozles and little lamb bamboo fitteds over night they work a treat. Easyfits I've only had issues with I've sent back 80% of the ones I have which isn't that many really. My favourite nappy are bambino mio solos

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Re: Tots bots easy fit v4 - bamboozle - little lamb osfa

Postby _michelle_ » Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:21 pm

I find the blueberry one size pocket nappy with the bamboo insert one of the most absorbent however I think it may be a bit big and bulky on a 3 month old. I started using easy fits with my boys at 6 months and found that with a little lamb booster I could easily get 3-4 hours out of them. Now at 22 months it's more like 2-3 hours. I think they are one of the best for when anyone who is not confident using cloth has looked after them.

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