
Best nappies for a newborn? Are my LL bamboos a mistake?

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Re: Best nappies for a newborn? Are my LL bamboos a mistake?

Postby musdih » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:17 am

Ok so I'll stick to the ll bamboos then
I had terry squares for ds2 but the loop rubbed and chafed his skin - they were super soft - it's just we are all of the sensitive type and his skin couldn't handle the friction
Hence I went for bamboo as they're so soft
@_michelle_ I will ask at my next consultant app - I hope you're right

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Re: Best nappies for a newborn? Are my LL bamboos a mistake?

Postby littlesez » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:27 am

You can use muslin squares for teeny babies , very cheap, quick drying and use just like terries xx

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Re: Best nappies for a newborn? Are my LL bamboos a mistake?

Postby musdih » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:28 pm

Wow muslins - I thought they didnt hold newborn BF poop well at all - but i have no experience of course

@_michelle_ Its amazing what you've been through - you must be made of steel to then have recovered within 48 hours - I salute you :thumbsup:
Hope you're twins are doing well and weren't hard work post birth - my twin neices are still terrors at 3.5yrs and their mom is close to a break down bless her

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Re: Best nappies for a newborn? Are my LL bamboos a mistake?

Postby _michelle_ » Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:46 pm

I wouldn't say fully recovered but definitely up on my feet and doing things like nappy changing, cooking etc. the main thing I struggled with was pushing the heavy double pushchair which took me around three weeks to be able to take out confidently on my own, oh and driving as I was terrified of having an accident and having the belt pull tight around my stomach. It would have helped if I didn't pretty much live in jeans though as they rubbed where stitches were.

To be honest I never really thought about the birth at the time though as I was probably in shock and more worried about them both being ok. They were 2 yesterday and are lovely but definitely hard work! I find that the busier I keep them with different toddler groups the better their behaviour is and the longer they nap which is always a bonus.

It's definitely worth speaking to your consultant though as hopefully you may be worrying for nothing. I'm in Birmingham and managed to have a spinal anaesthetic for my emergency c section as I was amazingly able to lie still during the contractions (think the threat of a big needle in the wrong place if I didn't helped there) and am relatively slim which helps them feel and see what they are doing. General anaesthetics are usually only used for emergency c sections.

Either way good luck though and I'm sure you will find the ll nappies brill.

All this talk of babies and teeny nappies is making me broody lol

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Re: Best nappies for a newborn? Are my LL bamboos a mistake?

Postby musdih » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:28 am

Ok thank you all for the reassurance and best luck to you too
I'm going to stick with the Los and can put on a braver face for my op now :)


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