
Toddler troubles

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Toddler troubles

Postby little1 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:55 am

Hi ladies, I could do with some advice

I have a very sensitive two year old. Even labels in clothes cause meltdowns, having his sleeves rolled up slightly causes drama and a slightly crooked sock, oh my word!

He has food allergies which cause profuse diarrhoea and I was finding myself unable to keep up with the washing and so decided to move to part time sposies as we were going through 8-15 nappies a day!

The problem is now he won't let me put a washable nappy anywhere near him, if I do manage to coax him into letting me he immediately starts shouting ouchy, hurty nappy, too tight. I have a huge stash of all types, fitteds, flips, tb, wn, and he reacts the same to all of them. He's not big for his age and they are definitely not too tight.

We have been unable to potty train yet as he has diarrhoea so much and also I'm sure he's just not ready yet. He's happy to sit on the potty naked and can even pull his pants up and down but he has no awareness when he needs to go.

Does anyone have any suggestions that might help? He won't even let me put a wrap over his sposie to stop the pooh leaks and sposies are crap (pardon the pun) at keeping pooh in, so i'm having to shower him off several times a day when reacting.

Should i just conceed and use eco sposies for the next 3-6 months until he trains?

Thanks in advance xx

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Re: Toddler troubles

Postby littlesez » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:05 pm

Oh no, poor bubs :( he sounds like he is doing so well even with the poop issue. He might not communicate when he needs to go but you can tell if you watch for cues. For example they usually go very quit and still, they will often look down. Then you can grab the potty !

I totally understand the sensitive thing, Leon is just the same. Sleeves, keg cuffs, gloves, socks, certain shoes, anything touching his feet, loud noises, bright lights, hit and cold !

If he is really averse to cloth I would go with the potty maybe?

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Re: Toddler troubles

Postby epsilon1 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:42 pm

I confess I've given up on cloth with Junior since he started clamping his knees together and protesting when I tried to put them on him. We'd been using disposables to clear up a fungal infection, on the advice of a nurse.

With any luck he'll start showing signs of potty training soon, and the new baby will be in cloth.

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Re: Toddler troubles

Postby little1 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:10 pm

I guess i'll push on with the potty training, thanks guys x

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Re: Toddler troubles

Postby confusinglady » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:25 am

Mine have always come out of cloth and then in, then out etc at that age.
Must be very difficult with the poo side of things :hug:
I was going to suggest perhaps putting some snug boxer shorts over the top of his sposies to try and catch any poo so he didn t need a change of trousers. I don t know if that would be too confusing though when you tried to go without nappies. Or you could try to get him to pull them both down?
Not even sure if they d catch the poo!

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Re: Toddler troubles

Postby Bugglyboo » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:44 pm

Ed was very similar and also has poo issues. Could you try Superundies? Washable but not bulky. They would need changing more often but I'm guessing that you are changing fairly regularly anyway.

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Re: Toddler troubles

Postby little1 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:22 pm

only just returning to this, i'll take a look at the super undies thanks x

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