
DIY inserts

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DIY inserts

Postby Selzdaze » Sun May 10, 2015 9:47 am

I used cloth with dd, and for a while with ds...but then the stink arrived. And would not go. Ever. And I gave up.

I have stripped my stash several times, but I just cannot get them good enough. They smell great, then the first pee and it's ammonia hell. I've boiled, bleached, machine washed, hand washed, soaked, detergent, no detergent, sunned, Rockin' Green, everything I can think of. Nothing has helped. So. I think it's time to chuck the inserts (microfiber) and create new. Ds is 20m, so I don't want to spend a fortune on new ones,as we may introduce potty training in the summer holidays...

I was wondering about using old towels to sew my own inserts. Does cotton towelling hold smells as readily as microfiber? Any cons I might not have considered?

Also, has anyone ever used large single-layer inserts, and folded them to fit the nappy? Like something the length of an insert, but 2-3 times the width, folded in to size when used? I figure single layer fabric will be much easier to wash clean than 2-3 layers. Again, what cons have I overlooked?

Thanks for any help or suggestions, I miss a fluffy bummed baby in my life!

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Re: DIY inserts

Postby littlesez » Sun May 10, 2015 11:46 am

I think make a square and then fold it into 3, that's what I do. Cotton Terry or you could buy some bamboo x

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Re: DIY inserts

Postby Bugglyboo » Sun May 10, 2015 4:45 pm

I've had to throw my microfiber because of the smell. I stick to bamboo and cotton now.

Sara's idea sounds good.

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