
Nappies gaping at the legs - help!

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Nappies gaping at the legs - help!

Postby Mayshaka » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:22 pm


I am new here, although I've often read the forums for tips.
I'd really appreciate some advice for nappies for my 6 mo.

I am finding that nothing fits right as he has quite skinny legs. With my first baby from about this age I used Fuzzibunz one-size stuffed with just Petits Dessous. This is the only option that doesn't gape on my baby's legs now, but they look bulky, and are stiff to feel and just not nicelooking under clothes.

I am generally using Tots Bots Easyfits, although all poos require a full change due to leaking. This really annoys my baby of course! And I don't want using cloth to make life more difficult for any of us. It took me so long already to get on top of nappies repelling. Think I have washing and stripping down now.

I also have Bumgenius OS pockets and Smartipants in my stash. These gape loads.

For night time I am getting on well with Bamboozle or Little Lamb and wraps. I boost extra. Also used this option on a long trip out today. Leak proof, but so bulky!

What do you think? Should I change over to just fitteds and wraps full time? Or will it be easier once bf poo changes as we are just starting BLW?

Please share any tips! I would love to make this work.

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Dancing mum
Cloth Nappy Nutter
Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Nappies gaping at the legs - help!

Postby Dancing mum » Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:18 pm

Hi :wave: glad you've joined in for a chat :)
My LO is 14 months now and poo containment definitely got easier once she was on solids. It did take much longer than I thought it would for the consistency to change though so I'd guess you've probably still got a few months of unpredictable poos ahead, some runnier than others :puke:
I found fitted and wrap the best for containing bf poop, A Mama Knows were my favourite once she hit about 3/4 months as they aren't bulky but surprisingly absorbant :shock: I still regularly use them now.
I have used pockets from the start as well but they were much more successful after the first few months. Maybe try Charlie Bananas as they have adjustable leg elastic so you could tighten the legs up but still have the waist snapped to a wider setting. I did a review on them a while ago so you could see if they sound like they'd work for you too.
Good luck though, there are so many options out there I hope you find something that will work :fingerscrossed:

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Re: Nappies gaping at the legs - help!

Postby Stephkidd89 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:53 pm


I'm no expert here (baby number 1 is only 8 weeks old!) but she is also a long skinny baby and we have had problems with leg gape from the start (used a variety of newborn cloth nappies bought on here and got a lot of leg leaks until more recently!) she's now more or less outgrown the newborns, or at least out-pees them pretty fast so we have invested in new birth to potty nappies for daytimes, ive found Charlie Banana with the leg adjustments the most reliable for not leaking as you can make the leg holes as small as needed and pop the waist closed only as tight as needed, no having to try and tighten the legs too. we also have some bum genius 4.0s and tots bots easyfits (which my partner prefers as we got those as Velcro but the rest are all poppers which he says are harder to adjust lol) which seem to do the trick usually but I do have to fiddle more to get the legs right with them and the easyfits seem to leak more, annoying as the teenyfits were my fave newborns for ages! At night I used tots fittereds and blueberry coveralls, seem a good combo so far. We also have some random pockets like little lanb & a cheapie my nan got online before Florence arrived which dong fit quite so well so just get used at home x

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Re: Nappies gaping at the legs - help!

Postby Mayshaka » Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:26 am

Hi guys, thanks for the replies. I think I've decided to stick with what works and that means fitteds and wraps. I'll sell some pockets to fund them. Hopefully when baby's bigger we'll get on better with pockets!

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Nappies gaping at the legs - help!

Postby Bernadette » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:52 am

I did fitted and a wrap for both of mine as well as Pop-In's on no.2 and they worked fine. I didn't have skinny babies though.

But I just :love: :love: the big cloth bum so cute! For comfy clothes to fit over the bum I either make my own or sized up a size on the trousers for them.

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