
Bamboo vs cotton opinions please (hard water / line drying)

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Bamboo vs cotton opinions please (hard water / line drying)

Postby AppleTree » Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:51 pm

I'm trying to decide between 100% cotton terries, 50/50 cotton/bamboo mix terries and 90% bamboo terries (different brands, e.g. Junior Joy, Little Lambs, White Bots, Muslinz, Nature Babies).

I have read that bamboo is softer than cotton, has antibacterial qualities and is thinner / more absorbent but that cotton is more durable than bamboo, holds its shape better and dries quicker.

I live in a hard water area and I'll be line drying, so I'd be interested in any advice on how the softness compares after a few washes, and whether I should go for a 90% bamboo content terry (rather than 50%) to get that softness advantage.

Thanks :)

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Re: Bamboo vs cotton opinions please (hard water / line drying)

Postby allierat » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:30 pm

I had both cotton and bamboo terries for my son. The cotton ones definitely dried quicker and the bamboo were more absorbent. Terries don't take a huge amount of time to dry either way though. I don't remember one being any softer than the other and my bamboo ones held their shape and looked better than the cotton but I think this was perhaps because they were a better brand and better finished.

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Re: Bamboo vs cotton opinions please (hard water / line drying)

Postby AppleTree » Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:20 pm

@allierat Thanks. Any recommendations of good brands or any advice on brands to avoid?

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Re: Bamboo vs cotton opinions please (hard water / line drying)

Postby allierat » Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:35 am

I only tried the two brands, so I'm no expert on that I'm afraid.

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