
What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby Pasi » Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:34 am

I didn't really have a worst buy until recently - pretty much everything seems to do fine on ds.

Then last week I bought a Cushie Tushie. Talk about disappointed :( it did look gorgeous when it arrived, but ONE prewash later the fleece was bobbly and looked old, the inserts went curly, the minkee outer looked kind of bedraggled and the nappy sounded all crinkly. One prewash and it looked like I'd had it for weeks :evil: I have to agree with previous posters that the quality doesn't match up to the price tag. I could have got another beautiful Monkey Snuggles for less than the cost of this. Oh well, you live and learn. A lot of people seem to love these though :shock:

Then on top of that it was a bad fit. Didn't leak though so there is that.

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby BingBongBoo » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:50 am

I went a bit mad on ebay and bought some Ella's House cotton fitteds. They are in excellent condition (brand new I think) but are pretty much useless for my super heavy wetter. I put one on Katy and she soaked through it in about 10 seconds flat! They might be OK as an 'emergency' nappy if I bung a few booster in but I think I might see if I can pass them on to someone with a light pee-er!

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby Keep it Real » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:46 pm

I bought some Cushie Tushies and was disappointed with the quality, plus they always leak!

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby hermya » Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:46 pm

The ittis were my worst buy, they just don't work on my son. I really wanted them to, but alas. Agree with other posters about the cushies, not for us.

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby Salbysea » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:03 pm

I was sold a load of onelifes (new) by a rep when my LO was 9 months - they didn't even fit round his waist!
I couldn't return them because I'd prewashed them, tried selling them - no interest at any price, tried giving them away but noone wants them! I know jabula or someone takes nappies to orphanages but I wonder if that would be mean because they are horrible nappies that hurt around the legs if not fully lined with practically a whole fleece blanket! And the look horrible too. Seems ridiculous to bin cloth nappies. think I'm stuck with them for life!

likewise lollipop wraps. BORING and useless (leak-tastic!) I was not aware of the cuteness available, but with a 9mo in nursery pocket nappies were much more sensible

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby Salbysea » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:05 pm

blueberry minky didn't work for us but I wouldn't say a worst buy because they resold in seconds! :giggle:

itti SIOs and cushies are not great value as they don't wear fantastically (and cushies give my LO a builders bum), but are worth it for cuteness

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby twinny11 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:29 pm

i'm confused, which one's are getting the bad reviews for being leaky,etc. cushie tushies or kushies? ?


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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby aob1013 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:08 pm

CT, not for us at all :(

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby emmalala » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:12 pm

omg, how old is this thread! I hate cushie tushies, they leak so bad. And kushies are rubbish too. Not a fan of bambino mio either :lol:


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