
What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby njd » Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:07 pm

My worst 'buy' was actually passed on to me from my sister: 12 bambino mio prefolds but with Diaperaps wraps. The wraps leaked really quickly and Alejandro's clothes would be wet through after 2 hours.

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby EeeGee » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:40 pm

Well I hadn't had anything to add to this thread before now, and then suddenly I can!

My worst buy is some mf boosters... I don't even remember where I got them from now... anyway, I had cause to use one the other night, and then I washed it and now it has just shredded :shock: After one wash!!!
Last edited by EeeGee on Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby Claire » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:09 am

Definitely the rolls and rolls of flushable liners. I bought them in bulk when I first started. They never worked! They are so scratchy and always ruched up to the side of the nappy. They are sat in a cupboard upstairs 3 years later. I have that many that I don't know how many I have!

I've been quite lucky nappy-wise but I guess the aplix bambineo would be my worst buy. It's just too high in the rise and I can never get a good fit around the legs. It was too big for ages and now Mimi has almost grown out of it and it still gapes around the legs. It's always at the bottom of the pile.

Claire x

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby tanya » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:51 pm

Bamboo baby beehind - supposed to be such a fab night nappy but has never worked. Leaks quite quickly during the day too :(

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby eviesmummy » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:12 am

Swaddlebees AIO - I bought 2 and they were awful, held no wee at all and took days to dry on the airer. Thankfully I was able to send them back to Babykind for 70% refund!

Sadie xx

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby anya1973 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:00 pm

Think it has to be a couple of WAHM Bamboo nappies - far too thin and baggy for my heavy wetter. :roll: Also the bimbles I bought - didn't fit him at all and he wasn't a huge baby at birth (8lb9oz). Very disappointed as they are essentially ideal for what I needed them for, ie nippa'able and fleece lined. :(

Best buys: in the past were my Minki Pocket nappies that I used on DD. Fantastic! Used them day and night - slinkis for daytime and standard fit for night.

When she was younger we used rainbow tots and ME airflows.

This time round I've yet to find my perfect nappy for DS. I bought some Little lambs which were fine to start with but he has outgrown them already - I didn't anticipate him growing quite so quickly and he is very long in the body.

Am hoping to find a pocket nappy that will suit DS as they're so much less hassle to get dry. :D

Helen xx

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby Liz » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:04 am

My worst buy was definitely Kushies Ultras - I absolutely hate them now! and they were second hand when i bought them as well! Just as well I didnt pay much for them. Would never ever recommend them to anyone now!

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby jan3182001 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:53 pm

Kushies ultra was my first foray into cloth nappies about 6 years ago. They were so bad i didn't try again till about 2 months ago, and only looked then because i was so fed up of changing my BF daughter a dozen times a day, with a toddler in nappies as well it was costing me a fortune.
Thanks to the internet we can now get a multitude of nappies and i'm now totally addicted.

The Swaddlebees AIO with OV do take an age to dry but I've made the soaker into a flop out one and now theyre fine.

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby charlibunny » Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:06 pm

Not got a huge knowledge yet but out of the 5 or 6 types i have tried on Molly i have to say Minki Waffles are pure rubbish! They are vile, they look like an old tea towel, dont soak up much wee even if boosted and they dont nippa to well either!!


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