
What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby lau_mc » Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:53 am

My worst buy has got to be Imse Vimse... totally awkward to put on a wriggly baby. although I did use them once or twice when she was about 10 weeks old...they are now at the bottom of the pile and I have no idea of how to shift them at all!!!

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby AAMum » Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:48 am

For me it was WOnderoos. Just didn't get on with them. Didn't fit either of mine well.

Also cotton Tots Bots. They work but I just don't like them. Really struggling to sell them as well :cry:

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby carx2ie » Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:47 pm

Another one here who hated the minky waffle! And my one swaddlebees pocket leaks within an hour, though I love sw OV!

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby mammajack » Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:08 am

I have been really luck with my cloth I usually buy what others recomend, the only nappy that I havent got on with was an Itti Bitti D'lish, I just didnt like it and I was able to sell it on fairly quickly as they are pretty much in demand.
I stick mainly to the bigger brands ( bg, totsbots, swaddlebees etc) that have a proven track record .

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby gayleygoo » Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:27 pm

didnt like swaddlebees pockets or AIOs (leaked everytime and DD is not a heavy wetter)
bambinex bamboo nappies werent too bad for absorbency but never seemed to fit well. xx

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby jac1970qui » Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:04 pm

Didn't like swaddlebees, they always seemed to leak, fluffles were way too bulky and I bought some too well used med fuzzi's once, they leaked like mad!!

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby BibsnBots » Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:09 pm

Ooo my worst buy was a wacky wrap, cotton bottoms, a ellas house hemp nappy (and i love ellas house bumhuggers) happy heinys, kissaluvs...hmm quite a few.

BG, BBOS BBSS i love all these and slinky minky for nights. oo and i loved diddy diapers and tots bots too.. :D

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby lacemakingmum » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:42 pm

Fluffles because of the bulk and they leaked at night, and I wanted to like them as they dried quickly, and a baby beehinds hemp which was just too hard when not tumble dried.

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Re: What's your worst cloth nappy buy and why?

Postby rhead » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:25 pm

Fleece wraps - the wetness just goes straight through, soaking clothes, bedding, etc. Totally not my thing!


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