Bambino mio nappies leaking at the sides.

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Bambino mio nappies leaking at the sides.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:16 am
by Superleo08
Hi I’m new to this forum and I’m in search of help please! I used terry squares and little lamb nappies with my eldest but I’ve now got my second aged 15 months in bambino mio all in ones. They leak at the sides every time we use them. They have a microfibre inside attached and I add a bamboo booster inside too. I’ve really tested them again today by constantly checking the sides and staying in all morning to see and after 1 hr he’s wet at the sides but it’s coming through the nappy but escaping. I use fairy non bio and I don’t tumble dry. He’s a big big wetter and a big boy at 26lbs. I’ve tried releasing one popper but it’s too big around the sides so we have one popper done up. I’m thinking this style just doesn’t work for us. But I’ve spent a lot on them and I don’t want to give up just yet...thanks in advance

Re: Bambino mio nappies leaking at the sides.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:39 pm
by autumnalgirl
:wave: Could be several things. He might be a heavy wetter, hemp booster might be worth a try to sort that one. Were they new to you? If not might be delaminating. Might be the fit on him and a different nappy might suit him better.

Re: Bambino mio nappies leaking at the sides.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 8:06 pm
by Superleo08
Thank you for your response. Yes brand new. I’m having more luck with a different cheeped style so must be the fit. I’ll buy some hemp boosters. Thanks