
Your favourite cloth nappy site

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby Woozle35 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:12 pm

For a starter in nappys like myself you have all provided me with a wonderful list of sites to work through.

This so far is certainly my fave site

viki x x

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby MissFrodo » Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:45 pm

This on because there's so much info for a newbie like me and this one:
http://wasbareluiers.actieforum.com/forum.htm for more specific dutch info about cloth nappy's.

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby purplehearts » Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:38 pm

A new favourite is Bibs N Bots. They have a lovely range of products, some good sales, and fast, friendly customer service. I've just bought some gorgeous nappies from here which were dispatched very quickly and arrived with
freebies - some gorgeous lemon lipbalm, 2 cotton/velour washable wipes and a little choccie! I love thoughtful little touches like that and you can always buy my loyalty with chocolate!!

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby treedelivery » Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:41 pm

Mine is cheeks and Cherries because if you don't know how to choose nappies that site explains things so so well. Brilliant for newbies.

I hardly ever buy new nappies but have had great service from there and nappywardrobe.
This thread makes me want to go shopping!

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby rachymoo » Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:55 am

I LOVE Wee Notions - not ordered from there yet due to lack of funds :( but loads of people I know rave about it and I've spent hours drooling over the website lol.

Cheeks & Cherries are fab, I recently bought a limited edition Itti Bitti D'lish from them and the customer service was brilliant, they couldn't help me enough. I'm new to cloth so was asking a LOT of questions and they replied to emails really quickly, didn't mind answering all my questions, and were just generally really lovely.

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby nappymania » Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:46 pm

I have found good twinkleontheweb and kittykins...
CNT is better of course! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby lucretia » Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:47 am

in terms of shopping, weenotions all the way x

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby Timeslikethese » Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:21 am


Alix is LOVELY, always very friendly and delivery times are amazing (sometimes next day if I've ordered early enough!). She has a very good balance of business and generosity.

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Re: Your favourite cloth nappy site

Postby Marie04 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:09 am

Another cheeks and cherries fan here ... love that website!
I also visit www.fillyourpants.com quite a bit, v. good customer service.
Of course, I am addicted to weenotions and have just ordered my 2nd custom nappy. I think I have an addiction! :giggle:


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