
Any nappy advisors

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Any nappy advisors

Postby Raaraa » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:54 pm


I have signed up to be a nappy advisor and I was wondering if there was anyone else who is one and has any useful advice on being one.
Im clearly not in it for the money as you hardly make any, but I would like to spread the word!

Do any of you find when you have groups they they actually buy off you?

Also is there anything in particular that is a big winner in getting people converted in your demo kits?

thanks for any advice!


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Re: Any nappy advisors

Postby gayleygoo » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:45 pm


Ive been a nappy advisor for over a year now, and have made 2 sales to people i didnt know! (a couple to friends and family, and they mostly wanted the non-nappy related stuff on the site :roll: )

People where i live are quite unwelcoming to cloth nappies; health centres and playgroups are often unsupportive as i "make money" from it so dont want to advertise someone's business for free. When asking if i can put posters up or leave business cards in shops, i tend to say im just a free advisor, and that i dont make money but my costs are covered (which they are, if you sell anything!). I have done 2 toddler group demos but as most of the kids there are already in nappies then their parents dont see the benefits of changing to cloth. I did sell a couple of small nappies to a pg lady and a few to a mum of a young baby, but they never came back for more :-? One lady bought quite a few nappies off me and gave me hassle a couple of months later when she wanted to return them (after using them all for those few months!)

I print posters and some places have put them up for me. I have business cards done by vista print (they are usually free) and hand them out where i can! I also printed out some small leaflets and have handed them out in the street on a few occasions. If you know any docs, MWs or HVs, give them cards to hand out! they sometimes get asked about cloth nappies.

I show off alot of nappies that the company i advise for dont actually sell (like WAHM nappies and other good ones) to get them interested (and i do tell them where they can be bought!) and i bring woollies along as well (but i only go into detail on their use of someone asks, or it can be too much for someone hearing about cloth for the first time!)

On the second demo i did, i offered a 5% discount if someone made an appt for a further demo with me, on whatever nappies they choose to buy, or if they ordered some that day.

It sounds obvious, but make sure your nappies are clean and fluffy, and remember things like liners and nippas and wipes. It may be handy to have a doll so you can show how easy the nippas are to put on. If you have a nice big basket to bring them in, it looks better than a couple of plastic bags!

Dont spend loads on your demo kit, i dont think ive really made back the money i spent and it wasnt that much :-?

Lots of luck :D :D :D

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Re: Any nappy advisors

Postby Vicki » Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:30 pm


I have worked for Lollipop for 5 years as an advisor, county leader, baby show stand manager, childrens entertainer, bar manager :wine: ebay shop manager and many other things!

I tend to see a couple of customers each week and everyone buys from me - I think because I know what I am talking about, know my nappies very well, know what is new on the market and keep stock. I also now have my own website which also sells other products (bit frowned upon due to contratcual reasons!) as well as Lollipop stocked goods. There is a huge amount of support available to me and I don't have to keep stock if feeling a bit low on funds, can just place orders as the customer buys.

I am allowed everywhere to be honest - very welcoming here and keen to have a local supplier and advisory service. I also run the hire kits for my area of the county which go down very well.

I'm not sure who you advise for, but if it is Lollipop, do log onto the forum and ask lots of questions! I know other companies have advisor forums too.

Good luck! :hug:

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