
Dissapointing fluffy post!

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Dissapointing fluffy post!

Postby clarge » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:04 pm

Got 5 parcels this morning...... And was a bit dissapointed as I have returned most of it....

Have decided that fitteds dont suit us for daytime use, much prefer the convenience and fit of an AIO or pocket so back went all my fitteds and wraps i bought, also the Itti I have realised leaks because its too big, so i sent back the second one i ordered and have asked to have it replaced with a medium. I did however get my used lollipop rainbow pocket, which looks cool, and my Fuzzi, all in washer now ready for tonight.

Have ordered a Happy Heiny pocket and a blueberry to replace the fitteds.... and also an UD side aplix pocket! Have also got a slinky minky on order and a reversable minky pocket! YAY!

This obsession is killing my redundancy payout - so much for treating myself.

I also ordered a fleece soaker, a fleece wrap from debbie's and also a WOOL soaker from NKFN!

Cara x
Last edited by clarge on Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dissapointing fluffy post!

Postby rhead » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:14 pm

:giggle: Oh well, it's better than getting a load of preloved fluff and finding it's not in as good condition as you'd hoped or you don't like it - at least you can return it!

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: Dissapointing fluffy post!

Postby Joaninha » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:34 pm

OTOH, :wine: to new beginnings! At least you know what direction to take with your cloth! and yay to finding ones that work for you!

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