Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

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Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:52 pm
by litlestar
I'm starting my cloth nappy addiction journey! :pregnant:
i'm currently 25 weeks pregnant - so i'm a fair way off being able to try them out :(

Ok so far
i have purchased: (all preloved)
5 bamboozles (size 1)
1 diddy diaper (nb)
1 small ME Rikki wrap
1 small TB wrap
2 Med ME Wraps
possibly 4/5 MEOS

looking to buy new: (will do this very soon)
3 Bumbles (BTP)
5 Eco Bumbles (BTP)(and some boosters)
about 4 Coolababy (for those easy changes from eager hands eg parents etc)

This would give me 6 sized and 13/14 BTP nappies

Tempted to buy a few small bimbles but will probably just buy a bumper pack of muslins for the early days.
i want to buy a few more pocket nappies either OS or BTP. though would consider buying more Coolababy.

Any advice towards what i should add/avoid would be much appreciated, i've spent hours reading through the forums and i feel i've nailled some things and not others.

one question i do have is how many small wraps should i bother buying, i have two pre-loved ones and obviously don't need too many?

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:15 pm
by lazylexis
We had 4 small ones and 3 would have done i think.nathan is 12 weeks and just about fitting in them still.i would say it's worth getting some more size one nappies as btp are huge on a newborn.we found bamboo little lambs have worked well for us and they just about still fit.or motherease sandys in small as they fit to 20lb

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Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:17 pm
by litlestar
Thanks, i'm looking at some small sandy's on the classifieds.

probably head over to look at the wraps too.

got to remember not to buy too many as i'd like to buy some colourful ones once little one is here as we don't know if it's a girl/boy yet.

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:38 pm
by rhead
I liked bamboo Little Lambs for nights, mostly had LLs and Tots for our size 1 stash with a few fancier fitteds acquired along the way... Swaddlebees are great too, lovely and soft and trim-fitting and absorbent, and super cute.

I'd aim for 20-25 nappies and 4-6 wraps... I liked Nature Babies when DD was little but found Mother-ease the most reliable. Have fun!!

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:44 pm
by Annette
I had about 8 small wraps for my two and this was a good number as I didn't wash everyday and sometimes you can have a number of changes if explosive bf poo escapes :wink: Although with wraps, they are very quick to dry and can be used again if not soiled, even a quick hand wash in an emergency is enough to get you through so you really don't need too many.

I only had MEOS for Charlotte until she was about 3 months old and they were fine, I had about 25 I think. I loved size 1 Little Lamb bamboo for Ben. I did have a couple of size 0 bimbles but he grew out of them very quickly, we also had the most adorable Swaddlebees OV newborn but it literally lasted him weeks before he outgrew it.

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:46 pm
by Soupdragon
I agree with Rachel about the number of wraps. Newborn poo can get everywhere, so it's best to have one or two spare. I'd say four is a minimum. I loved small Sandy's on Iris as a newborn - excellent containment. The bamboo ones are quite trim fitting, and good for absorbency. They still fitted my skinny minnie at 13 months. :shock: And, being a natural fibre, you could always die them once you know what Bub is. :) I started out with about 25 nappies. That was enough to wash every other day, but I did need to tumble dry.

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:15 pm
by litlestar
Well i've committed and brought

new on Ebay
5 x Eco Bumbles £15
10 x Hemp boosters £10
3 x BTP Bumbles £25
20 x Reusable Fleece baby wipes £3.50
4 MEOS New £23

1 Fluffle
2 Cotton tots
2 x NB Wraps
1 x TB wrap £10 the lot

giving me
9 Sz1
12 BTP (21 nappies)
5 sm wraps
2 med wraps
total spent all together £115. which i don't think is bad for my first stash. Itching for fluffy mail now though! :x

still looking at some preloved sandys and i will be investing in some muslins as well esp for the early days. my family have me convinced i'm going to have a big baby (i'm a larger lady) but i have a thyroid problem which can effect birth weight. so who knows it could go either way!

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:03 pm
by clairelana
you will have to get a weenotions wrap once you know what bubs is!
Have you thought about wool?

Re: Starting My Stash - Advice Appreciated

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:59 pm
by litlestar
i have considered wool, but as we don't know baby's sex, i didn't want to buy anything that would be inappropriate or embarrassing for our little one. ie pink shorties on a boy! :giggle:

so some things will come in our size two collection! :lol: