
Arrrrgggghhhhh Bad Nappy day!!!!

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Arrrrgggghhhhh Bad Nappy day!!!!

Postby Ruth » Wed May 16, 2007 12:29 pm

Every nappy has leaked today!!!!! My day has been a nightmare too!!!!

Jack woke up, went in to get him and he was soaking - He had his EH on which was fine and dry next to his skin, but his clothes and gro bag were soaked - he had a tots bots fleece wrap on - I have just ordered 2 more :( :( :( Why would this leak???? The wrap itself felt dry so I don't get it at all.

I got Jack ready to go out and we left to visit my mate at 8.45am. I thought I'd be naughty and get myself a mcd's breakfast cos I was starving but he needed a sleep so I thought it was easier to stick him in the car and go out rather than have him scream his head off while I eat. Should take me 30 mins to get to my friends house, but I got there at 10.20!!! Walked in sat down - Jack was soaking wet - his swaddlebees had leaked everywhere! Why?!!?!?!?!?! Changed him and then my mobile rang and it was DF telling me he had just been to the opticians who have told him to get to A&E urgently (a football hit him in the eye a few weeks ago and he hasn't been able to see properly since) and not to drive so he rang to ask me to come home and take him!!! I had only just got there!!! Had a quick coffee and then put Jack back in the car and went home. Picked DF up, dropped him at hospital and came home to give Jack his lunch and he was soaking again - HH this time!!!!!

Any suggestions anyone? Why are they leaking? Is he extra wee-ey today? :lol: :lol:

Have just put him down for a sleep and am waiting to hear from DF now :(

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Postby cherobanne » Wed May 16, 2007 2:11 pm

Oh dear Ruth, not a good day :(

With the fleece wrap, I imagine that the nappy got soaked (drinking more? need extra boosting?) and it wicked through the fleece wrap onto his clothes and gro bag. Fleece allows moisture through but dries extremely quickly (hence fleece liners). I found tots bots fleece wraps worked very well at night (I used them before switching to wool) but only if the nappy was really well boosted. Perhaps you could add in more tonight? - something slim like hemp would work well - make sure it's had plenty of washes though so it's reached full absorbancy.

If Swaddlebees and HH normally work well for you I don't really know why they didn't today - unless he had been drinking more and so peeing more? Sometimes I find a reliable nappy can leak with Matthew if he's either been in the same position for a long time (like in the car) or the opposite - he's squirming and wriggling around so much that the pee manages to find a way out!

No real advice apart from trying more boosting, I hope it's just been one of those days and your nappies are back to being reliable tomorrow.

I hope your DF's eye is ok and you hear from him soon.

Sorry it's been such a bad day so far, sending you a hug!


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Postby HannahBanana » Wed May 16, 2007 4:51 pm

Ruth How's Ray?

Have you been stufifng your inserts flat and to the edges? did you get them mixed up? i did the other day and it was damp pants central over here! lol

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Postby clothmama » Wed May 16, 2007 5:48 pm

I know it probably sounds like an obvious question, but did you accidently add fabric conditioner to the last load?? How much powder do you use when you wash? It could be a build up. Why don't you try washing with no powder and look to see if there are suds in the machine, if so there is probably build up which can affect absorbancy.

As Joanne said did he drink more than normal?

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Postby Ruth » Wed May 16, 2007 6:16 pm

Erm.... :oops: :oops: :oops:

Nail on the head I think Tory. With the fleece at least. It's bright red and I don't like to wash it with his other nappies just in case, so last time I washed it I washed it with fabric softner in with the rest of the washing!! I had forgotten I did that :!: :D :!: :oops:

As for the others I don't know really why they have leaked. It might be because he was struggling as I put them on so maybe I didn't put them on quite right. The rest of the day got better though :D

Can someone explain "wicking" to me please :? :?

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Postby clothmama » Wed May 16, 2007 6:44 pm

Well wicking is what you would have know as osmosis in science at school!!! Its basically wettness moving along material and passing out of the nappy onto clothes or just to the outside of the nappy!! hths!!

Hope you get the nappies sorted! Makes sense if you washed with fc the wee would just run off lol!!!! (Great for water proofing fleece jumpers though!!!)

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Postby Annette » Wed May 16, 2007 7:01 pm

I think sometimes when I am in a rush or have my mind on other things, like your day today (hope everything is OK with the eye) I can sometimes not be as careful as usual when I am putting on the nappy and I either don't do it up tight enough or the insert has all bunched up or I have just not put it on quite right.

Sometimes days are just like this to annoy :x us but hopefully tomorrow will be better :wink:


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Postby Amanda » Wed May 16, 2007 7:35 pm

Oh Ruth, I totally sympathise, and posted about my crappy nappy day before I noticed you'd had one too! I think these things are sent to try us :? , and am hoping that tomorrow's a better day.
Hope the eye problem isn't too serious and is improving.

Amanda x

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Postby HannahBanana » Thu May 17, 2007 8:58 am

Do you know what though... even though we may get the odd wicking and wee on clothes I have NEVER had a poo leak since using cloth. Erin's used to loads up her back it was horrid not to mention most annoying


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