
Minki nappy review

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Minki nappy review

Postby Rae » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:15 pm

Relaibility: 9/10
Absorbancy: 9/10
Cuteness: 9/10
Drying speed: 9/10
Slimness: 2/10
Value for money: 8/10

Overall comment: Wonderful night time nappy

A great pocket nappy for overnights. The fleece inner will keep your LO dry, and there is a huge pocket that you can get some major stuffing into. You can get their ordinary fleece nappies that are cute, or get their embroidery to make it a bit more special, cute and unique. With the same amount of stuffing as another pocket, these are less likely to wick.
The downsides: A very bulky nappy that I would never consider using thru the day. If you LO is going to undo velcro - these are very easy to undo.

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Postby Shevi » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:43 pm

i agree whole heartedly. very reliable, quite cute, very very bulky!
i usually stuff mine with 2 bamboo terrys and leave it for babysitters or daddy

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Postby sjb2711 » Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:09 pm

How does this nappy differ from the slinki minki? Wee seems to wick to the edges, so we end up putting a wrap over the top. Even then sometimes where his PJ's touch the top of his nappy it can leak.



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Cloth Nappy Wise Woman

Postby Rae » Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:46 pm

I haven't used the slinkis, but I imagine they are pretty similiar. With minkis, if you are getting wicking (and don't have a really old nappy with ripped or old PUL) then I'd say you need to put more stuffing in. Hemp layers + microfibre work well.

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Re: Minki nappy review

Postby flutterby » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:29 pm

Relaibility: 10
Absorbancy: N/A
Cuteness: 8
Drying speed: 9
Slimness: 1
Value for money: 10

Overall comment: Bombproof

The only pocket that lasts DS longer than an hr!!! They take sooooo much stuffing, more than enough for night times! The take slightly longer than most of my pockets to dry but still very fast! Jak has a L popper fastening slinki, and their only downfall is that the poppers don't stay popped very well, but the fab tigger embroidery is very well recieved, it's Jak's fav nappy which makes night time nappy changes soo much easier! Summer has a S standard minki, and WOW they come really big, we can still fully overlap the tabs!!

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Re: Minki nappy review

Postby eviesmummy » Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:07 am

Relaibility: 10
Absorbancy: N/A
Cuteness: 7
Drying speed: 9
Slimness: 4
Value for money: 10

Overall comment: Totall reliable and fantastic overnight nappy.

I found this to be the best night nappy for my heavy wetting daughter - the huge opening meant I could stuff with whatever I needed to get us through the night, and there was never a whiff of a leak. I like the fact it is fully fleece lined, so my daughters bum was always dry in the morning. I prefered the standard minki as it crosses right over at the waist, but the slinki had the advantage of being slightly less bulky at the waist as the tabs meet in the centre.

Definately a big bum look, but well worth it for a bombproof nappy to get you through the night.

Sadie xx

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Re: Minki nappy review

Postby ramsons » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:47 pm

Manufacturer: Nappies by Minki
Nappy Name: Standard Minki fleece pocket
Type of Nappy: pocket night nappy
Fastener: hook & loop
Material: fleece
Size: large

Value for money: 8
Reliability: 10
Absorbancy: N/A - depends on insert used
Cuteness: 5 .......for the stripes
Drying Speed: 9
Slimness: 1

Overall comment: Recommended

Detailed comments:

This was a very reliable night nappy for us although it was HUGE. They are functional and not expensive.

-once we had the inserts sorted, they never ever ever leaked over 12 hours (we stuffed with hemp wrapped in microfibre cloth)
-fleece pocket so dries relatively quickly, we doubled up on inserts as they took longer to dry
- if ds ever had nappy rash in the day, one night in a minki was all he needed for it totally clear up...they were magic

- the biggest nappy ever...up to 9 months we had ds in elasticated night gowns at night so this wasn't a problem, but once he was in pjs, we had to size up all the time to get the bum big enough and ds was always tripping over the extra leg length
-I really don’t like hook and loop fasteners, these were the only nappies we had with it, now we use poppers all the time. I just found it sticks to everything in the wash, gets gummed up with fluff and then you have to periodically de-fluff it.

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Re: Minki nappy review

Postby RuthPat » Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:28 pm

I am a big Minki fan. I use fitteds and Minkis are my cute extras for the day. I ahve used one at night once. I like the larger style although it gives a big bum it isn't much larger than some fitteds with a wrap and my DD doesn't get any leaks or rashes from these lovely nappies. I have only used Slinki Minkis as a pocket nappy. The aplix/velcro is easy for older lo's to open but onec a vest is snapped over or other clothes they soon move onto other things. Although a bigger nappy they are highly reliable and cute. I have tried Ittis and Wn once but both leaked was delighted with how little they were but they weren't for us. I only use the Minki Supersoaker inserts with them. No leaks so I am happy :D Big is cute and all the clothes she has worn in her age category since she has been wearing Minkis fit. I love Minkis :hug:

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