
Review MonkeyFoot Wet Bags.

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Review MonkeyFoot Wet Bags.

Postby oliviaelanasmum » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:56 pm

Manufacturer: Monkey Foot Bags
Name: Monkey Foot Wet Bags
Material: Cotton Outer Procare layer inner (waterproof inner)
Size: Small,Medium,Large X Large

Reliability: 9/10
Absorbancy: n/a
Cuteness: 10/10
Drying Speed: 9/10
Slimness: N/A
Value for money: 10/10

Overall Comment:
I bought two bags to start with an xl for carrying dirty nappies home and a small bag for my reusable wipes, i was so impressed and love the fabrics so much i ordered another xl and have dispensed with my nappy bucket at home!
The fabrics are fantastic, the quality is second to none, they wash and dry well they are just marvelous bags and will still be used even when the nappies are no longer required, my daughters are unsuccessfully trying to poach them as swimming and p.e kit bags!
I have only had one problem and that was making my wipes to wet and lying the bag flat meant the wet wipes made the zip wet but since wringing them out properly i haven't had a problem.

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