
Help me love them please...

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Cloth Nappy Goddess
Cloth Nappy Goddess

Re: Help me love them please.

Postby megansmummy » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:30 pm

JenKyleKaitlinRoo wrote:I dont know how you could gauge the flow after a baby. With my first and second it was scarily heavy for the fist 48-72hours then went to normal AF flow and stopped after 2 weeks.

3rd time it wasnt anywhere near as heavy and stopped after 8 days......

I only have 5 csp and a mooncup so I was the pads daily with either nappies or towels but I am now looking at the puddlekins ones and thinking hmmmmm :giggle:

I got two wool puddlekins today in the post and they are really lovely...i need more!


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