Please can I ask a question for a friend? How did you ladies get on with using lansinoh cream with reusable breast pads? Didn't it clog them up like nappy cream clogs up nappies? I used reusable breast pads but because Rory never latched on without a nipple shield I never really had to use lansinoh. Thanks
I want to say No it doesn't clog them up - but Alrhough I used reusable pads exclusively with Eleanor, I've never needed any lansinoh or any other cream.
I've used Lansinoh with reusable breastpads with no problems, however my boring white ones do have yellowy marks on, which I thought was from colostrum but maybe it was the Lansinoh, not sure. They work fine though. My coloured pads have been fine and some of them are preloved too. HTH.
I used both with my son, for 8 months and had no problems, other than an 'oil' mark left on them. But they where just as absorbent I think they worked so much better than disposable as they got clogged and didn't work at all for me!