
How long to get used to my mooncup?

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How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby emmab16 » Mon May 21, 2012 7:59 pm

Hi ladies,

started using my mooncup on thursday & no probs with it til today - just couldn't seem to get it in without it unfurling itself and ending up too low. Not sure whether I was trying to rush it , but did you find it got easier? Ended up back with tampax today as I was at work & gave up :(


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Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby SazzyL » Mon May 21, 2012 8:25 pm

I am interested to know this as well. I've had my mooncup for years but never really got into the swing of using it. I decied to give it another go this month and had exactly the same problem with it unfurling too low. At the risk of TMI, I just couldn't seem to get the angle right to get it far enough in without losing my grip. And where it did land and sucker on hurt like hell so it was clear that it was in completely the wrong position.

I really want to get the hang of it but the faff of getting there is putting me off.

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Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby Dora » Mon May 21, 2012 11:46 pm

Gosh-way tmi-but have you tried placing into position whilst sitting crouched over on the floor iyswim? It does help to get an as folded-over position as you can. Then just pull and it should just go into place. I've used mine with no problem for a while ago-probably took me 2 or 3 go's to get it right so fc for you both x

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Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby emmab16 » Wed May 23, 2012 8:31 pm

SazzyL wrote:had exactly the same problem with it unfurling too low. At the risk of TMI, I just couldn't seem to get the angle right to get it far enough in without losing my grip. And where it did land and sucker on hurt like hell so it was clear that it was in completely the wrong position.

this made me chuckle - I totally agree with the sucker bit - tee hee.

I think I will keep perservering - I did find it worked better if I squatted to put it in - just trying to keep hold of it is hard!! :doh:

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Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby Dora » Wed May 23, 2012 11:48 pm

Feminine-wear.co.uk (hopefully right url name) do several types-one of which has a round sphere at the end to help with holding...the same make also has an ultra thin cup option which may be better against folding etc. They are available in loads of colours too depending on what you want. That appealed to me anyway!! x

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Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby SazzyL » Wed May 30, 2012 1:21 am

Thank you for the squatting advice! I actually managed to get my mooncup in with just the 3 attempts over 5 minutes this afternoon :yahoo:

I haven't yet attempted getting it out again :hohoho:

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby emmab16 » Wed May 30, 2012 1:23 am

SazzyL wrote:Thank you for the squatting advice! I actually managed to get my mooncup in with just the 3 attempts over 5 minutes this afternoon :yahoo:

I haven't yet attempted getting it out again :hohoho:

tee hee! I have found it a lot easier like that but not much good when I was wearing leggings last week & had to have them round my ankles!!! oh the things we ladies do...... :widesmile:

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Re: How long to get used to my mooncup?

Postby SazzyL » Wed May 30, 2012 5:30 pm

Well removal was a bit faffy as it seemed to have ridden up, so by the time I got it out I was a bit sore so I didn't reinsert.

I tried again this morning and had no problems at all, so maybe I am finally getting the hang of putting it in, even if retrieval is still an ongoing learning curve lol.

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