
cloth and mooncup

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cloth and mooncup

Postby choruna » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:30 am

Wow just realised this is an option by stumbling on this thread and am very very interested in changing myslef to cloth and possibly a mooncup

I'd really appreciate any info or advice you guys could give me on starting out.
What products do you find best?
Where are the best sites to buy from?
How does the mooncup work? Is it reliable?
Do you wash pads with your cloth nappies, do they stain easily?

etc etc etc
I could go on and on but reckon thats enough to start with
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby jan3182001 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:27 am

http://www.luxurymoon.co.uk is a goo place to start, Heather put together a table so you can compare some different brands,
there are ofcourse other people who sell them too though

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby choruna » Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:54 pm

thanks for that, I'm rummaging through presses all day to find a ruler or measuring tape to see what sizes I'd like, :giggle:

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby wytch » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:39 pm

im a moon cup girl and i love it. the convince of a tampoon without all the nastys. It took me about 5 trys to get it right ( without AF) and now I wouldn't ever go back. they work by creating a kinda seal between the wall and the cup rim so you flow goes into the cup. as there is no wet fibres for bacteria there no worries about toxic shock syndrome like tampoons. Its so comfortable that I do sometimes forget it all day(12hr) :oops: but its fine and never once overfilled and i'm a heavy heavy flow

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby LloydyG » Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:08 pm

Hiya Choruna,

Mooncups are fab, I couldn't really go back to using tampons now. It's great never having to go out and buy sanitary stuff :D

I use a selection of cloth, I've got 2 weenotion pantyliners, in minkee, lovely and soft. 5 imse vimse pads, which are a bit plain and boring but are washing really well, and look like new still, and a few angelpadz, nice and colourful. :) They're used as backups for my mooncup, on the first few heavy days. They get washed with the cloth nappies, or rinsed and put in with a hot towel wash. The weenotions ones are good for not showing stains, mine are in raspberry gelato and lagoon gelato.

Feel a bit evangelical about the mooncup, can't believe it's not that well known about! Some of my friends think I'm a bit mad, and I showed mine to my mum and mother-in-law and their eyes nearly popped out!! :hohoho:

Laura x

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby ebonina » Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:11 pm

Have to agree mooncups are great - no more getting up in the night :D

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby nic1 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:22 pm

I just use pads and mine aren't stained. I wash them as soon as taken off and then wash on next wash cycle at 30 degrees, easy!! :wink: My stash is pictured on here, i have quite a funky selection of BV and minkee topped mainly but love puddlekins pads the best followed closely by the 'go with the flow' ones that can be purchased at luxury moon. HTH

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby choruna » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:41 am

hi all
Well spent all weekend surfing and decided to buy the weenotions to get me started, also bought a mooncup which I successfully tried out on Fri but got a bit scared then and put it away as thought if I had a glass of wine :wine: I'd never be able to remove it. SORRY TMI :giggle: :giggle:
I ordered 3 night and 3 panty liners from wee notion isn puire cotton, like the thoughts of 100%cotton but really am buying without a clue so we'll se how it goes, can't wait to get them though, Hope they are here before next AF's

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Re: cloth and mooncup

Postby clairelana » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:38 am

I mainly use obv topped and wool backed as I find them the most comfy.
I have a large range and recomend puddlekins and hollow oak great.

I tend to use my mooncup if I'm going out.

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