
do any of you take the combined pill ?

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do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby babyjjbaby » Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:45 am

went to see doctor this morning as my consultant suggested going on the pill but my doctor won't give it me staright away as she wants me to decide if its worth the health risks ie breast cancer and bllod clots if you take the combined pill what are your thoughts ?

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Re: do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby Shevi » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:00 am

i have taken the combined pill in the past, i looked into the risks and found that they were very low and i was not worried.
Unortunately an hormonal contraceptives are awful for me as they turn me into a wailing wreck and do very perculiar things to my periods so when i came off the pill after i went back on it after Zacharia was born i then moved over to a diaphragm...which may be a bit of a pain (annoyance rather than discomfort ) but it also doesn't send me crazy!!!

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Re: do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby dawnsmummy » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:05 am

im on mycrogynon (spelling?) which i think is combined. been on it since i was 14, was taking a break when i got pregnant :roll: went on to mini pill after dawn but hated it and went back to mycrogynon. the risks are minimal tbh.

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Re: do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby indigosky2k » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:10 am

I took it for 10 years, Microgynon, and think there are benefits as well as risks. Think it reduces risk of other cancers, can't remember which off hand. But my only problem was as a PP said about it turning me into a screaming, sniveling cow. And I didn't realise it was that doing it until I came off it ten years later :oops: No wonder now DH refused to marry me before. I too refuse to use any other hormonal contraceptive now. We use natural methods and they've worked for us. Only got :pregnant: when I wanted too.
Davina x

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Re: do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby megansmummy » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:17 am

I took microgynon (sp?) too but had to stop becuase of the side effects...i was a mess :oops:

I take the mini pill now becuase I have a hystory of blood clots and the mini pill is apparently safer (according to my consultant) however i have just decided to stop taking that too...imo with a history of blood clots its not worth the risk..

I used natural family planning (temp taking, checking cervix and fluid etc) to get pregnant and i think we are going to use it to avoid..although with not getting much sleep i dont know how acurate it would be :roll:

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Re: do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby joeli » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:24 am

I was on microgynon for 3 years with no problems. I want to go back on it again but my blood pressure is still a bit high (it went crazy after my c-section and apparently hasn't gone back to normal yet though she took my blood pressure when Leo was screaming his head off :roll: ) so my doctor wants me on the mini pill (actually she wants me another the coil/implant but that's another rant all together) because of the risk of clots. But I've always heard/read that risks of cancer from the pill is very minimal.

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Re: do any of you take the combined pill ?

Postby babyjjbaby » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:48 am

thanks thats reasurring to know my ma had a blood clot on her lung when she in hospital layed up for weeks when she was really ill but she was 56 at teh time and in the info i have been given it says not to take it if a family member was under 45 :-? my consulatant said i only need to take it to kick start my periods and then hopefully come off teh pill dunno if they can give me hormone tablets or something instead

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