
How old was your LO when .....

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How old was your LO when .....

Postby tracedw » Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:59 pm

How old was you lo when your periods returned :oops:
I`m probably not going to get any replies but wanted to ask anyway
Sorry to ask such a personal question ladies but Conan is now 9 m old and still no sign here.
Stopped BF about 6wks ago so maybe they will return soon.
I`m now 47 and so easily in a pre-menopausal age group :(
Also would love to try CSP but not really sure it would be worth the money or effort in the research.
Just wondered if any one had any thoughts.
Last edited by tracedw on Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby fluffycabbage » Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:23 pm

Mine returned when i started bf less, about 6w after i went from full time bf to about 4 feeds a day with 2 or 3 formula. so about half. hth x

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby eviesmummy » Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:51 pm

Mine always returned within a month even when I was bf'ing :roll:

And its always worth looking at CSP - I would never use disposable pads again. I cant remember how much I paid, but Im sure they will pay for themselves over time, and they are so much nicer than the Always I used before.

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby nic1 » Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:31 pm

I can't remember but i didn't BF for long.

I would still look at using CSP, you may have a few more years yet of using them, they really are sooo much nicer than disp pads. Hope she shows up soon so you know where you are with it.

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby Scotia » Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:35 pm

Kerr's 11 months now and I've not had any since he was born. I'm wondering if it's my age too though :oops:

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby Frances » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:04 pm

Mine returned when Jasmine was 7 months old; I was still BF but she was eating a lot of solids then.

Might not be a waste to buy CSP; most of the post-menopausal ladies I know still need panty-liners (due to bladder weakness I think) so you could still have a use for them.

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby beffys » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:19 pm

Mine came back were when LO was about 5-6 months old so prob around when we started to introduce solids. They weren't proper cycles & periods though. Well they were heavier afs post preg than I would normally get, but not ovulatory and ranged from 50-100 days. The 100 day cycle was when I was ill with a collapsed lung.

LO had almost fully weaned when they started to settle down to a normalish cycle of up to 40 days with ov, but incompetent luteal phase. It's only the last cycle that things are back to normal proper (or as normal as they get for me). I miscarried the second half decent cycle I had, Ella weaned completely, then had 2 more short luteal phases after that and then a longer anov cycle that seemed to sort things out, FC. The CSP was the best thing about my m/c tbh, very comforting at the time and much, much better than disposables. Quite often I have really light afs now and then the thinner CSP panty liners are brilliant.

Some people are just different though where it takes a year or more for af to return and it may come back straight into a good regular rhythm. The fact mine returned fairly early was no indication of my fertility as I find it hard to conceive where my natural spacing seems much longer than average, so it takes about 2 years for my cycles to get back to normal (post pill or post preg).

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby 2climbingboys » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:22 pm

I can't exactly remember tbh - I think I remember it took a couple of months after stopping breastfeeding Toby, but with Blake it was a couple of weeks or so.

bv topped csp is worth investing in imo - it is lovely to wear you could sell it on if you don't get much use out of it.

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Re: How old was your LO when .....

Postby gilbertandmartha » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:30 pm

I managed to BF for 8 weeks, and about 4 weeks after I stopped AF came back. Its been really regular, but much heavier than before the toots!


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