
I bought a Mooncup!

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I bought a Mooncup!

Postby becky1978 » Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:32 pm

Well finally today I bit the bullet and bought a Mooncup! I am quite excited about it and AF is due next week, does anyone have any good hints and tips that they could share as I really am a complete beginner!

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Re: I bought a Mooncup!

Postby megansmummy » Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:48 pm

:wine: Excellent!! Hope you get on well with it next week!!

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Re: I bought a Mooncup - update!

Postby becky1978 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:53 pm

Just to update - AF finally came last night, hmmm only 3 weeks later than I was expecting it then!

Anyway I used my Mooncup overnight without any problem, and have had it in all day today too and it was fine!

I was a bit conscious of it and so have emptied it 3 times today, but can anyone tell me how often it should be emptied please?

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Re: I bought a Mooncup - update!

Postby Woozle35 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:56 pm

I have bought one too! Just waiting for af.

becky1978 wrote:Just to update - AF finally came last night, hmmm only 3 weeks later than I was expecting it then!

Anyway I used my Mooncup overnight without any problem, and have had it in all day today too and it was fine!


Glad it went well, your filling me with confidence :D

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Re: I bought a Mooncup!

Postby gayleygoo » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:26 pm

:wine: to Mooncup love!

How often you empty it just depends on your flow really - it can get quite full and still "hold it all in" because of the seal it forms, although it might be prone to leaking then. And unlike tampons, it doesnt matter if theres hardly anything in it when you empty it, as theres no risk of TSS. You'll soon get to know how often to do it, it doesnt hurt to check each time you go to the loo, and if you're unsure for the first while then wear a pad just in case. On my heavy days, emptying every 4 hours or so was fine, on lighter days it was really just when I remembered :oops:

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Re: I bought a Mooncup!

Postby Mambo » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:38 pm

I love my mooncup! I usually just empty and rinse it first thing in the morning, once during the day then again before bed, regardless of how heavy a day I'm on. It's so comfortable it's easy to forget it's there or that you're having a period at all. I'm sure it's eased my period pains too.
One tip I would suggest is once you are comfortable with finding it and fishing it out, to cut off the stem completely. Might not happen to everyone but when I first used it the stem would at times scratch me or feel uncomfortable.
Happy mooncupping!

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Re: I bought a Mooncup!

Postby becky1978 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:49 pm

I took the stem off completely straight away, it kind of poked out else (sorry if tmi :oops: )
Even without the stem I find it dead easy to get out, it is literally sat just inside isn't it (hope I've done it right!!!)

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Re: I bought a Mooncup!

Postby Ukrainka » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:23 pm

Hi. Sorry, probably asking not here. But if mooncup satays in our body for such a long time, isn't it a heaven for bacterias?

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Re: I bought a Mooncup!

Postby knittingmum » Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:22 am

I'm joining this group of beginners level Mooncup :hohoho: Just bought mine a couple of days ago, but have about 3 wks until I get to try it :(

It did look a bit scarily huge though, so I'm glad to hear it's ok to cut off the stem.

I'll be back when I've tried it!


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