
Thinking of trying CSP

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Thinking of trying CSP

Postby Marie04 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:39 pm

I have just started my first AF post birth :roll:
I HATE wearing tampons, so use always SP, but I seem to have a reaction to every disposable towel I use, I go red and sore and itchy and even blister :cry:
I'm just wondering if this might be helped with the use of CSP?
Can anyone recommend me a good starting point - ie, what I'll need, do you prewash as with nappies, do you wash them on their own or with your nappies, ummm and how many will I need? I have a regular flow, lasts about 3-5 days (only use panty liners from about day 3)


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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby twinkletot » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:44 pm

I switched to CSP as the disp ones gave me thrush every time :roll: CSP was the best thing I did for myself. I wash with the nappies or towels and pre-wash too. Luxury moon have a good variety. It's best to get a few different ones and see what suits you best before buying loads of one type.

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby rhead » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:58 pm

I only use liners, when I'm expecting AF (I tend to get a couple of days of spotting beforehand) and at the end, as it takes a while to tail off too... so far I've tried minkee-topped and OBV, and although I expected to like the minkee better I'm hooked on the OBV now! I'd imagine you'll get on well with them too, just like with nappies, because it's a natural fiber (well, 98%) and has antibacterial properties hopefully it won't cause any of the reactions you get with disps! I agree, you'll want to get a couple of kinds to see what shape you're most comfortable with, and maybe try wool-backed so they're as breathable as possible?

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby tiyuricc » Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:11 pm

I'm terribly allergic to lots of things, including disposable SP. Have started using CSP postpartum and am wondering why I never tried sooner - it's fabulous. Best news is that I tend to be quite allergic to grass, hemp, all those sorts of things so I wasn't sure that OBV would work, but it's absolutely fine (and so comfy). Even the wool wings on GWFT didn't affect me, and wool is one of my worst allergies.

Definitely try a variety and see what suits - maybe try some from the classifieds to start off with, there's always some coming up. I bought a heap of new ones and found that some of those I hardly use, and my fave is one I picked up off the classifieds which I expected to like the least.

My faves at the moment are the weenotions mikee, and the jimmy riddle OBV ... although I've heard JR are difficult to get.

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby Marie04 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:05 pm

Thanks ladies - how many do you need to get? I think I'll build up my collection like I did with my nappies, buying a few here and there and checking out the classifieds as well!
Off to see what the abbreviations mean and have a proper browse!

x :wine:

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby Emma1977 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:10 pm

Also check out Hyenacart as there's lots on there for sale and you can get your stalking hat out for Homestead Emporium (HER).

As for how many - I'm not the best person to advise as I've only just started but I can see its gonna become quite addictive like nappies due to the variety available and there will always be an excuse for one more ........ :twisted: :giggle:

Edited to say - check out the miscellaneous classifieds section as CSP often comes up on there and it will allow you to try different brands, sizes and absorbency without coughing up full price :wink:

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby Sunset » Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:37 pm

It does depend on your flow, if you're not that heavy as you say then you wouldn't need too many, but also depends on how often you plan to wash.

I've found CSP more absorbant than disposables so I don't need so many in a day. I usually wash with the nappies but if I've run out I will chuck them in with a towel wash. They will dry in a day, OBV just takes slightly longer than Minkee.

I love Homestead Emporium on Hyenacart, I started off with a sampler package of 3 different sizes from there. I also really like WeeNotions fleece backed and minkee topped. WN are more reasonably priced than HE.
If you are after instock pads, Luxury Moon have a wide range of different types.

PS I've never pre washed :oops:

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby winniewheresmypooh » Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:30 pm

I love puddlekins and i got some fab fleece backed from bums n roses. I have only spotting at the mo so i don't need absorbancy and can't help you on that score. I would imagine 6 would be good to start with but someone may be able to advise better. :wink:

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Re: Thinking of trying CSP

Postby dawnsmummy » Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:57 pm

I started with CSP because I suffer from thrush all the time :cry: And I must admit, the last couple of times since using CSP havent been as sore or lasted as long, but they were AB induced bouts. The real test will be this summer, which is when I alwys get thrush from wearing disp pads in the heat :roll:
I love my Puddlekins Slimbos (Sorry, I do harp on about them don't I? :giggle: ) but you do have to wear close fitting knickers to help them stay in place.

You can also make your own, if you're that way inclined :) Jan made me some CSP for the DIY Secret Santa and they're my second faves!!

Oh, and I don't know if everyone finds this or not, but with disps I need super/super+. with CSP and cloth tampons, I use regular! :wine:

Sorry, that post is probably all way TMI :hohoho:


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