
Anyone any advice re implanon?

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Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby JanX » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:55 pm

Have been looking into birth control and so far I 'think' I've narrowed my options down to either the merina coil (IUS) or the Implanon implant in the arm!

I have heard a fair bit about peoples experiences of the merina but not anything about the Implanon so was wondering if anyone could help sway my decision any by sharing any info they have!

especially keen to hear of peoples 'personal' experiences with it and happy for people to pm me if they want to help but don't want it on the board :lol:


jan x

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby Rae » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:23 pm

I know a few people that have had the implant that got it taken out. It all seems to depend on how well your body reacts to high levels of hormone. I was on depo years ago, and got really emotional and moody, and that is how I have heard people describing the implant. However I also know people that find they don't have any side effects, and find it really liberating. Also some of the coils have slow release hormone in them that affects some people.
Are you planning on more babies in the future? The snip (for men) is a fair trade after the years of the pill etc we as women have gone thru.

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby Mareth » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:25 pm

Don't know about it personally, but my sis has it and thinks it's great, no ill effects that she can see. Also, unlike other long term contraception it's effects are supposedly reversed as soon as you have it removed. I think within a day or 2 it's meant to have left your system. Unlike depo for example which can continue to affect you for months even after the 3 month period of use.

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby Mareth » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:27 pm

Just to add, I wouldn't use it myself, but that's just because hormonal contraceptives don't agree with me. I had a similar reaction to Rae when I had depo. :evil:

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby JanX » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:58 pm

I wouldn't even consider depo tbh due to all the 'horror' stories I've read (the fp advisor told me that depo basically shuts your ovaries down and the effects can last for years after you stop taking it :D )

the Implanon implant only works whilst it's in place, it works by thinning the womb lining and thickening the mucus therefore preventing conception and impantation (in the same way the mini pill works as implanon has the same progesterone only hormones as the mini pill!)

Rae - we aren't yet ready to go down the steralisation route :wink: :wink:

I was thinking implanon because any bad effects stop as soon as it is removed and gp's are happier to remove it early for whatever reason than they are to remove a coil :roll:

Implanon protects for 3 years so IF we did decide to have another then it would be around that far in the future so the timing is good!

Suppose I was just looking for some reassurance (or otherwise) before actually going ahead with it (because I am quite scared about it if I tell the truth)

jan x

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby Pinchette » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:01 pm


I have an implant and I get on very well with it. I've had no side effects at all apart from the fact that my periods are a bit all over the place (like none for 3 months then one of 3 days then nothing for 2 months then one of 3 days, the last 2 were on time and "normal")
Putting it in wasn't pleasant even thought it was under local aneasthetic. I was a bit bruised for a week or so but that's it. I'm very happy with it.

Have you looked into the contraceptive ring? it's quite new but it's proving to be quite popular.

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby JanX » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:19 pm

contraceptive ring??? never heard of it! off to look!

and thanks Gisele for the insight, I can cope with irregular periods! that's not an issue for me at all!

jan x

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby Pinchette » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:42 pm

I think it's called nuva ring or nura ring or something. If you google it you'll find it.

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Re: Anyone any advice re implanon?

Postby Kybosh » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:55 pm

I had the coil in for 8 months only had it removed recently, my gp was happy to do it. I've never had the implant so I can't compare but I found the coil fab.



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